Hi to you all, I do hope you are all doing ok,
Just wondering if anyone could give me some advice please?
Since December I have been suffering with Sciatica type problems, lower back pain/twinges, along with pains shooting down the back of my left leg. I have seen my physio who says he needs to manipulate my lower back, he said he could feel the “knots” there, and he could really do with releasing these “knots”, however due to the amount of pain I am in, he needs me to get my pain under control. I saw my GP who after trying tramadol, movelat gel rub, and 10mcg morphine patches, he has now put me on the 20mcg morphine patches, but I am still in so much pain. My physio did try a little amount of acupncture ( just 5 needles) and I am due to see him again next Monday. :o(((
I am just wondering if anyone else has suffered for this long with sciatica, and no amount of pain meds kill the pain. I have suffered with sciatica on and off for for some years but the problem has never lasted this long. Maybe this is another “wonderful” MS thingy???
I am due to see my neuro tomorrow, so am hoping he may be able to advise/prescribe something!
Thankyou in advance for any advice.
Stay strong everyone, love and hugs