Hi everyone hope you are enjoying a good bank holiday.
Well what a night i had. I woke up at 2.30 really hot and the room spinning. I was really scared. I have had vertigo before but its usually when i am typing or move my head quickly and you know you grab hold of something but this was the worse ever.
I couldn’t lay down at all i would spin out. I tried not to panic and struggled to get out of bed to use the commode my balance everything was way off beam and I felt really nauseous.
I just lay there not moving my head.
Finally 5a.m, i felt a bit better and could move, so got up slowly holding onto wall and managed to get my husband. He took me downstairs, and put me on the recliner.
It took a few hours but i started to feel better. My temp was ok, but my BP was up a bit but then went back to normal.
I have managed to walk a bit with my zimmer but am really exhausted. I know i have really been overdoing it lately trying to laugh in the face of MS.
Is this normal for PPMS? Isnt it always the way when the GP are shut we get something.
Should i worry or do you think it was just a reaction to being over heated, and over tired and fatigue?
Gosh i hope i dont have it again in a hurry i dont mind having a little vertigo but when its so bad you dare not move your head for dizziness and spinning, its the pits.
Sorry i am being such a baby. I have gone through so much with this disease, and i never thought i could experience more stuff.