what does vertigo feel like?

Hello all, I was wondering if anyone could help sort out what happened to me the other day and again this morning. The first time I was getin out of the shower and felt so dizzy, but also the floor etc seemed to be moving, I sat on the toilet before I fell down. Sat there for a short while then got up and it had gone. Told my partner and said how strange and scarey it felt. Since then I hadn’t had it again until this morning. The difference was that I was lying down in bed. It felt like a “wave” in my head, then my head “buzzed” loudly and went again. Ive heard of vertigo and dizziness but never experienced it. I dont even know if thats what it was. Does anyone have any information or had the same. I’m a bit scared by it. Thanks in advance.



Hi there, last week I made a thread about this “new symptom” I got quite a few replies confirming others have experienced it too, sadly, this rubbish forum won’t even let me find posts I’ve made in the past so i can’t give you a link to the replies.

I dunno what vertigo feels like but i imagine it feels a lot like what i have about 10-15 times a day for a couple of seconds, it’s been going on now for about 3-4weeks and came as a result of nothing obvious changing in how I feel. When it happens I feel dizzy, clumsy and lacking dexterity (my fingers felt wrong just then as I was typing this for example). My vision doesn’t distort but I do feel like I have to steady myself and stop moving if I’m on my feet.

I too described it as a sort of vertigo. It is very brief…maybe lasting in total about 5 seconds per episode and my ears feel a tiny bit muffled with the sort of souund you get if you listened into a large sea shell and “could hear the sea” but it’s very mild and quiet.

Vertigo feels like the whole world is moving and you cant balance in that world. It can come on and last for weeks/months, or perhaps transient and only ocassionally.

There is medication to help with this, my gp gave me motion sickness pills. I was lucky, Ive had it twice and twice it went away. Wouldnt like it full time, cant stand fast moving things because my eyes register oddities then.

You may notice whilst watching tv that all sorts of images blend into one too, or the screen seems like its going out of the window.

Hope yours goes off quickly. Its not nice.

best wishes,



Hi, i have been getting vertigo on and off now for about 18 months. I do get two different sorts, the milder ones that sometimes last all day or just for a few seconds, or i get what i call more disruptive ones. These come on suddenly and its like your head is under water, like wooshing in you ears (hard to describe) then everything moves, like rocking violently (some people get spinning feeling) and i have to sit down where i am. These have come on too when i got out the shower and when i was lying down, in fact i was fast asleep once, when i woke to the room spinning, it was very strange. The other day my alarm clock went off and i reached out and ‘wham’ spinny room. All sorts of things can set them off, you just need to learn what does and just be careful.

The best way to get through these episodes is to sit very still and do not move your head, (trying to shake it out does not work, trust me lol) look at something in the distance concentrate on your breathing, taking deep breaths and stay calm.

I have just started taking Stugeron (Cinnarizine) but only in the last few days, so i dont know if it will work, i hope so.

I hope this helps a little. x

Vertigo - was one of the first symptoms l had of ms. l could not stand in the shower - just kept falling about. And lying in bed - the room would be revolving. lts very frightening - as is anything that you feel that you are not in control of.

lts 30yrs ago since l had it - and l have never had it since. My GP gave me some form of travel sickness pills - and anti-histamine.

So - l am positive it is to do with MS - but from my experience does eventually go [making room for another nasty symptom]


Hello Jan,

I just wanted to write offering moral support, as I had this self same bizarre feeling this week! I have had MS for more than twenty years, but thankfully I hardly ever get this vertigo. It made me feel as if, every time I stood up, someone was shoving me forward. I had to sit down immediately, but even in this seated position, it felt as if my eyeballs were still moving forward. I then had to lie down and cover my eyes with my hands. It was soooooooo strange. I am as chuffed as nuts that this VERY odd sensation has now left me. I am not back to normal (whatever that means!), but at least I can function again now. Best of luck with this weird symptom, and I hope that it soon leaves you alone.


Thanks all for your replies. Unfortunately I have not been dx so am left wondering whats wrong with me. Its been a couple of yrs now and I thought I was “gettin there”, but lately I’m not accepting things too well.

About 7 yrs ago I had a really frightening thing happen where I started havin crushin feelin in my chest 1 tea time, from there I very quickly became paralysed and lost the ability to speak for a short time. I was taken to hosp where I was tested for heart probs blood pressure etc. All was fine so they told me it was a panic attack. Never believed this for a minute! Since I have been having all my ms symptoms I have recalled this event and feel it was probably the start of it.

Still, back to dizziness, Ive never had it before, apart from that time yrs ago.

Its gone again now but left me feeling "dozey and muddled all day. I do get alot of pain in my head too which is scarey too. Hope this dizzy thing doesnt return any time soon.

Thanks again


hi ,

vertigo is the major symptom of my ms and all of my severe relapses have been bouts of dizziness/loss of balance to the point where i simply cannot move .

i have mild vertigo most days nows . I do find avoiding loud and busy places helps when I feel very bad . sometimes avoiding alot of stimulas stops the vertigo from developing further . maybe something to think about if you feel it coming on again.

Hi Jan,

Agree with Frances,about sickness pills and anti-histamine tablets.

Just a tip,if you type in vertigo in the search engine on this,you will find out a lot more on this subject.

Hope this helps.

Take Care.


Hello Bellyboo I get two types of vertigo, the first one is the spinning one where I feel really dizzy, and feel the whole word is moving. It can happen anytime or anywhere. I have been told that when this happens I look dizzy and my eyes wobble. The other is really odd and it feels like the floor is comming upwards towards me, or if in the street the walls are closing in on me, strangely it happens more if people are walking towards me, or if someone is walking towards me with a dog. It makes my balance and coordination really poor! now I sound really odd! I have got some meds for this, but never have them on me when the vertigo occurs so don’t know if they work! ppx


l know just what you mean about walking amongst crowds - l lose my balance - and if anyone brushes past me it can make me fall. l can not look up at the sky without holding onto something solid or turn my head around to look behind me.

One of the other first symptoms l had was - l could not feel my feet touching the ground - lt is so difficult to explain these things to someone who has not got MS. Because we look well - people do not think there is anything wrong with us.

We need to wear a big plaster cast on our leg and arm - and then we would get some sympathy and understanding.


Hi Jan,

I described it to my GP as being drunk without any alcohol! ( Something I remember happening only once a long time ago! ha)

Room spinning, walls moving even lying down with eyes closed.

Hope yours doesn’t last to long.

Jen x

Poll, I’m so glad you said about the floor coming up at you, thats what happened to me!!! And have noticed that when stepping up a kerb I sometimes have difficulty weighing up where it is. Ive felt so scared about this and just to hear you guys makes me feel so much better. And campion, I too cannot look up at the sky without wobbles. I cant tell you how much better I feel about this thankyou soooo much.





l know just what you mean about walking amongst crowds - l lose my balance - and if anyone brushes past me it can make me fall. l can not look up at the sky without holding onto something solid or turn my head around to look behind me.

One of the other first symptoms l had was - l could not feel my feet touching the ground - lt is so difficult to explain these things to someone who has not got MS. Because we look well - people do not think there is anything wrong with us.

We need to wear a big plaster cast on our leg and arm - and then we would get some sympathy and understanding.


[/quote] I glad you know what I am talking about! My neuro looked at me as if I was bonkers, when I tried to explain this to her. I also get un-balanced if I up my head up, makes showering difficult! When washing my hair I have to put my elbow on the wall to stedy myself. You right people in the street seem to have little understanding, sure at times people think I am drunk! Ppx


Poll, I’m so glad you said about the floor coming up at you, thats what happened to me!!! And have noticed that when stepping up a kerb I sometimes have difficulty weighing up where it is. Ive felt so scared about this and just to hear you guys makes me feel so much better. And campion, I too cannot look up at the sky without wobbles. I cant tell you how much better I feel about this thankyou soooo much.



[/quote] Hi Jan (Bellyboo) just love the name! This forum and the people are so great and supportive! Makes you feel that you are not so alone. Symptoms are difficult enough to deal with but if someone some where can relate to how you feel it helps. All the best ppx

I had something similar and it was diagnosed as crystals in my inner ear floating about. Dr and physio did something described as the “eplay” movement sequence to move them out of the particular part of the inner ear and it worked on the second attempt. I had noticed that only particular movements set off the dizziness and those movements changed direction between the first and 2nd attempt - apparently the labrynth in your ear acts like a gyroscope controlling our balance - apparently the 1st attempt told them which ear but apparently the crystal didn’t move out completely just to another part - so don’t assume its the MS get it checked - I suffered for months before I got mine checked and it only took 2-3 weeks to get it sorted! The physio noticed that I didn’t do particular movements - apparently I was trying to compensate for the dizziness … she got my GP to check a few things out first before trying the “epli” movements and it was successful.