RRM and Life insurance

Hi i am new on here.please can anyone help.
a family member has RRM MS and was wondering if anyone knows of any insurance companies that will except them

Getting life cover’s not usually a major issue for most of us. Critical illness insurance is a different matter, given that we already have what is generally classed as a qualifying condition. But live assurance should be OK. Talk to a broker if you’re struggling to find something suitable on Confused.com or similar.

You’re unlikely to get specialist cover from one of the comparator sites.

I ran a search covering life insurance MS diagnosis UK and got some useful avenues to pursue. Not many charities get entangled with insurance these days for fear of bias - until recently AgeUK effectively ran its own brokerage before disbanding it.

It will cost you more for a declared condition. I’ve just taken out a single trip travel policy and my rate is 4x my wife’s. The better the specialist, the more informed the assessment of risk they will make.