In the process of diagnosis been told by one neurologist I have ms and told by a specialist he didn’t want to label me yet as I only have one lesion and not two .
For the past two days my right side is numb my skin from shoulder to my feet , it’s like I’ve got numbing cream on is this a ms symptom ?
It can be, Denise, yes. Your neurologist sounds like mine - he didn’t want to label me either, explaining that there’s no such thing as single sclerosis. In my case, I’m afraid there wasn’t long to wait before single became multiple. I hope that isn’t the case with you, but you do need to let your medical advisors know what’s going on.
I wish I could they haven’t bothered to give me the contact details of the ms nurse . I only have the neurologist name and hospital x
Tell the neurologist, I think. Ask her/his secretary what’s the best way to get the message through and on your record - phone consult, letter, email or whatever.
ive had my diagnosis for 6 weeks now and i have pins and needles in my hands and feet on the palms and soles, the tip of my little finger is numb but i see these as symptoms that will likely stay with me if they go great but they have not subsided for me for 3 weeks now. Who knows were all different with MS im regularly tld. here if you want to chat :0)
I’ll try the hospital tomorro x
Phone the neurologist and speak to his secretary keep annoying them amazing what happens!