Hi, I recently went for my MRI scan in Mid December, and I have received a letter today from neurology saying I have a review next month, can someone tell me is this to do with the results from my MRI scan, also I am confused,as in December the MS nurse called me and said they are ordering my tablets, the one I picked Tec, and she said she would be arranging an appointment for me at another hospital close by, to discuss the tablets. I am very confused. This is all new to me, any help would be greatful.
Hi, is the location for the appointment the usual (same as previous) one? If so, it may be a regular review meeting with the Neurologist to discuss the current MRI results and check in with you as to symptoms, any relapses/progression etc. I usually have a review with the Neuro after my annual MRIs.
I’m surprised the MS Nurse didn’t discuss the tablets with you, as I would expect them to do so; but it may be that monitoring is required that might be easier for you to have done at a hospital closer to you if you have to travel to get to the MS Nurse hospital location and it would be easier to have the other hospital go through everything with you and you get used to the team there prior to monitoring visits.
I have regular (3 monthly at present) blood tests to monitor liver function etc. with my DMT (Plegridy); my MS Nurse asked if it would be easier to have the blood taking done at my GP Surgery rather than travelling across town to the MS Unit at the Hospital. In my case, its easier getting it done at the hospital.
It can be a bit confusing at times, especially when appointments are being held in different locations, with different teams etc. My latest MRIs were done in a mobile unit in the hospital staff car park, not the main MRI unit; I had to do a drive by to figure out exactly where the mobile unit was beforehand
Hiya, it appears that each hospital has a different set up. I was referred to a different hospital for treatment, but I have my MRI at my original hospital, my reviews for my DMT are being done by the community neurology team. I was shown how to inject by the industry nurse via my treatment hospital.
I’m also new to this , was diagnosed in December 2023. I wish you well with your treatment and I hope it helps to slow things down for you
Hi, I also had my 2 previous MRI scans in a mobile place outside in a carpark place, I heard it was a private company and they were getting rid of the backlog. I find it all strange, as the hospital I go to for neurology is a totally different place to where I go and have my MRI scans and the MS nurses seem to work between the 2 hospitals. I really hope I can get my blood tests done at my GP as I really can’t take any more time off work. I hope your keeping well, and thanks for you advice.
Hi, I never knew they had a community neurology team, I think it’s different things for different parts of the country, how are you getting on, I hope all is going well for you, I find all this MS confusing and it seems to be what happens with MRI scans. Does your meds help you with balance.
Hiya just me,
To be honest this is new to me was diagnosed in dec 2023, and had to fight to start a DMT, which I started in October. I do believe it’s helping, but I had a bit of a crap gap for 3 days before my injection so it was a return of some symptoms that kesimpta was helping, but injected last night and definitely feeling the benefit today. I’ve just been to my group physio session which is helping. Do you have vertigo? If you’re having balance issues, I usually get that with a relapse. Hope it settles down as that’s hideous to deal with. Hopefully you’ll start your DMT very soon.
It’s core strength that helps keep us upright and these exercises really improved my balance. Even the easier ones should do the trick.
Core stability exercises (a pilates type approach) | MS Trust
Thank you , I will have a look at that, and hopefully it will work, I have a review next month don’t know what it’s for but I will mention this to the neurologist as it’s on a daily basis, I am sure people must think I have been on a night out haha. Hope your keeping well.