Just looking for peoples thoughts.
Three weeks ago I had a cold infection and my legs were aching much more than usual, I did have some leg pain and stiffness before but nothing like with this infection. I also had new symptom of being stabbed in my back about six times - sharp pains. I got over the cold about ten days ago but my legs have not returned to how they were. It is so painful for me to stand up and walk. I feel ok seated and laying down.
I have tried various painkillers and nothing has worked. Baclofen makes me feel sick. I asked my neuro through my MS nurse nine days ago if I can have a spine MRI and no response back for the neuro.
I enquired about having a private spine MRI scan and the hospital can do it in around 10 days, referral from GP or neuro needed. I am concerned Tecfidera is not working for me as I feel like I am progressing and might need to change DMT. My last brain MRI scan from Jan this year shows one new lesion which did not enhance with contrast.