

I was diagnosed this January last year after a flare up months prior.

I was told to ring when something new happened if I feel concerned.

Last time I called them what I thought was a relapse they put it down to possible. Infection and migraine.

However I have been falling over last few days and very unstable withy legs is this possibly a flare up am really confused and feel alone with it.

Thank you

Hi I am so sorry you feel like this as it is unsettling to experience these changes. If you have an infection this could be your ms reacting. Have you been to your GP to see if you have urine infection? Phone your ms nurse again explain how you feel and explain your symptoms possibly even ask to see the neurologist. Try not to panic easy to say that as I have been diagnosed since 2001. I know how unsettling things can get. Good luck and I truly hope things settle down soon for you.


Thank you for your reply.

I currently have no infection I have checked everything.

Awaiting for phone call on Thursday with the clinic.

I just find it hard as to what is new or apart of my ms as not very clear.

Thank you

With time you will know what is ms or not but always check out anything that is worrying you with your ms nurse or GP It would be a good idea to see your neurologist.Don’t be fobbed off this is all new to you. I am currently in the middle of a flare due to covid and immense stress for many years catching up with me it is going into its second month now and with ms it is quite different for us all. Have faith, try not to panic I am awful at not over reacting to symptoms but it is emotional, stressful but that just makes it worse so try and take your mind off of things eat well, lots of water talk to those you trust. It will all be ok in the end. God bless and reach out anytime you need to. X

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Thank you so much for your kind words.

I really appreciate it alot.

I finally feel comforted that there is somewhere to talk to people in same. Situation who understand it more.

People know don’t understand or have the patience with it