Hi there,
I’m sure this has been asked numerous times but It’s nice to ask for an opinion when in doubt.
I was diagnosed with Relapse & Remitting around 4 years, however over the last 2 years I have felt that my symptoms are gradually getting worse, especially the fatigue side of things if I over do things and dont rest, however I have not had a confirmed relapse at all in the 4 years since being diagnosed.
Anyway cut a long story short, over the last week I’ve been feeling very fatigued, far more than usual, even though I haven’t done anything more physical than I normally would, and a few days ago I just could not move my left leg (always been my weakest leg), without a dragging numb pain going down the whole of my leg, which started to ease off but is now back.
Both legs are just so heavy to move but the left on is also very painful.
When I try to walk its like I’m walking in robotic steps for a few paces before I can sort of walk a bit better., this has been like this for a good while though, probably months.
My legs very stiff and heavy when I first stand up or get out of bed or try walking too far…
Now then, over the last 5 days I’ve come down with an head cold, running nose , little bit of a cough, nothing major but a general common cold.
So my question is probably so obvious, am I have a relapse, or am I feeling worse due to my cold.
If its down to the cold why was I feeling so low before I had the cold symptoms.
Any advice really appreciated.
I take Gabapentin for surge like sensations in my legs but personally I dont feel they do anything for me, so started to cut the dose down slowly about 3 weeks ago so that I could then ask the doctor to try something else ?
I’m also on D3 5000units daily.