RELAPSE ?? Chest pain

Hello all, hope you are as well as you can be.

About 28/9 days ago I had a relapse and went to A/E who confirmed

that it was a relapse and they told me I had a heart mumur.

I have now chest pains and wondered if anyone knows if it could be connected.

your help would be appreciated.



Hi If you’re actively experiencing chest pains you need urgent medical attention. Did they say you need to see a cardiologist because of the mumour? Get the chest pain checked out as unlikely to be ms related I would have thought and better to be safe xx

Thank you for your reply Loola and your advice I will get it checked out. Thanks again.



please ring 111 and ask for advice.a few week ago i had severe middle chest pain i rang 111 and an ambulance was sent straight out to me.I got took in and all the tests for my heart it wasnt my heart though thankfully, but it needed checking you cant mess with chest pain.

Thanks for replying Jaydee, as luck has it tomorrow I see my Neuro’ so I will have a chat with him and hope he would refer me to Cardio’ if he feels it could be that my heart is a seperate condition. Fingers crossed!! Thanks again.




Hi Janet,

I’m glad you’re seeing your Neuro tomorrow. Please, for future reference, phone 111 straight away. It’s really very important when it comes to chest pain. You just never can tell. My dad for example was walking down to the doctors for some semi-routine bloods a couple of years back and had a bit of heart burn - thought nothing of it. At the doctors surgery, I’m not sure now what caused them to do it, but they ended up running an ECG. And from there he was packaged off for a QUADruple bipass. Yeah…

That said, my honest opinion is that it is probably anxiety after the news of the heart murmur, which is really common. But get it checked.

Sorry to moan at you!

I hope the relapse is clearing up, Comet