Recovery time

Hi all having a relapse of optic neuritis had one before in other eye very blurred at the minute like looking through a frosted pane of glass terrified its going to get worse and lose vision in it altogether just finished 5 days of iv steroid Any info/ support appreciated Jerry 47 ms with 9vyears

Hi Jerry, although I have been lucky enough not to have any vision issues, I have read a lot of comments here about it and it would seem vision always returns ok.Hope your`s do too and soon.


Hi Jerry, I had 2 episodes of ON which eventually led to my RRMS diagnosis. My vision thankfully returned, and is still good, but never came back as sharp as it was before.

Vision troubles are terrifying, and I had several in my early MS years - double vision, ON and also visual stuff deeper in the brain. All of it cleared up either completely or nearly, and the same cannot be said for my MS attacks elsewhere, alas. I hope that you find the same.

Good luck.


I have had double vision and optic neuritis twice in early years they cleared up in about 6 weeks but my visions not as good as it was before the attcks.Hope yours clears up soon as i know how scary it is.I have just this last few weeks had a nasty relapse and my peripheral vision in my left eye was badly affected but not for long, i thought it was optic neuritis but not sure what it was, i was just glad it came back and seems ok now.