qustion for other ladies - periods!!!

hi there. ive been having problems of this kind for the last 5 yrs. i was on the depo and was advised to get the implant as i have athritas and the depo is not good for bones!!the depo stopped my periods completly. however, they r put in and last 3 yrs. tis one is due out next aug. ive done nothing but bleed this year, and i do have terrable pain with it. its also on n a few hours later gone, then back again. i use a stick to move and go out. i am due a smear soon and will speak to the nurse about it when i go. i want this implant out lol and the depo back!!

im so v fed up and the previous implant was the same, the last year of the implants life(tho this one is much more, all this started in jan, and all ive done is bleed since.

could this be because of my MS?

the pill doesnt agree with me, so i was on the depo for years


Hi Catnips,

Thats a sad story! I often wonder how much ms affects the menstrual cycle. I was with doctor on Monday and he mentioned depo injection - also mentioned bone problem. Said he will contact gynae doc in local hospital and ask for opinion. I know it will take many phone calls from me to him to remind him to do this but I will have to persevere!

My daughter’s friend had implant and like you she had continuous bleeding - still has it in as far as I know - she moved to Canada recently and has been hospitalised with ovary problems - pain etc - don’t know if any of these related.

From all of the posts it sounds like it’s difficult to find a solution to problem perions - I’ll keep my fingers (and toes) crossed.

Marie x

hi marie. i have started bleedin again, less than a day off! its v heavy and painful. ill have a good chat with the nurse wen i see her as i cant keep on like this, ive spent tons on tampax lol.

my sis recently told me she’s just found out only has 1 oavary! she has 2 kids. i dont have any.

ihope this will b sorted on the 23rd as its causing pain, q painfull.

thanks marie.

lynda x

Me again,

Been googling depo injection - does it cause as much weight gain as some of the women claimed??

Hope not=(

Hi Marie

I’ve lost weight every time I’ve been on the Depo, not a huge amount but some and it has stayed off.


Thanks for that Sue, there are some scary stories about people putting on huge amounts of weight when on Depo. I really dont need that as my mobility is bad and exercise is impossible.

Hi Catnips, you’re right, you can’t keep on like this. I hope nurse has a solution for you - maybe depo as it seemed to suit you but I know that you have other concerns about bones

Good luck, I’ll be interested to hear how you get on

Marie x

I’ve had an implant in my arm. no periods at all!!! yippee says me. ive had no problems with mine.

Sara x

I’ve had two mirena coils, the first for 5 years and the second for 4 years. I’m 48 and my gynocologist said the one I’ve got in now should last til the menopause. They both made my periods very light or sometimes nonexistant. I think you can only have them if you’ve had at least one child. If not, you might find out about microwave ablation - one of my friends had this for heavy periods and it worked. Both of these things are much less intrusive than a partial hysterectomy. I have heard that some people get breakthrough bleeding with implants.

hi sewing chick. as ive not had kids they wouldn put one in, that was some years ago…

wats breakthrugh bleeding?

Hiya again

I had the Mirena coil and I’ve not had kids so maybe things have changed in the last few years. I ended up bleeding more days than not though so changed back to the Depo.

Catnips - break though beeding is when you get spotting between periods (I think).

Sue x

Thanks everybody,

I have 2 daughters so that wouldn’t be an issue for the coil. I’m still worried about the weight gain thing with the depo injection eventhough Sue said it had opposite affect with her.

Sewingchick what’s mocrowave ablation?

The implant seems to have mixed reviews too. I suppose that everybody has to get what suits them best but it seems like a long road to finding the right one!!!

Now I’m confused =)

Posts very helpful - thanks everybody - keep them coming=)

Marie x


I also have an implant. I actually have used this form of contraception for almost 10 years (it gets taken out / replaced every 3 years). I think it is absolutely marvellous!

It hasn’t completely stopped my periods, but they are very few and far between - probably on average about 0ne a year, so pretty good! However, when I do get them, they do occasionally seem to last much longer than they should (think weeks!) but since this has only happened twice in ten years, and the rest of the time I have been pretty much period free, it hasnt really bothered me. However, it does seem to vary a lot from person to person, and some people end up with a more irregular cycle. But for me it has been an absolute godsend.

A big bonus is the fact that if it doesnt suit you it is relatively easy to have removed (takes a couple of minutes , and only leaves a very small scar (just milimeters). Because it can be removed at any time, if it causes side effects, you won’t have to wait long for them to go away (unlike the injection, where your kind of stuck with them for the full 3 months). Also, it doesnt cause bone-thinning like the injection can


Thanks for that, ya it seems that implant working very well for you. I was thinking same about injection - if it causes any problems you’re stuck with it for 12 weeks. Everybody has different experiences - if you are lucky enough to get the right one first it’s great but it can be a long journey to get it right!!!

Marie x


i know how you feel.have been using the pill for years due to terrible heavy periods and acne,some things are better on the pill others not.I find also the pill makes me crazy but having acne makes me so depressed and almost reclusive,can’t win really :frowning:

I am using Yasmin at the moment but would not recommend it to anybody,after a couple of months i have to stop due to suicidal thoughts,anxiety and high potassium in blood,but not being on pill gives me vile periods,giant clots,massive headaches.All the women in my family are the same.

Clara xxxx

Hi Clara - that’s hard going!!!

Am wondering if I’m too old for pill - I’m 46. Doctor also mentioned ponstan and another med used to stop heavy bleeding but he not sure about using it regulary. He’s contacting gynae for an opinion on that and the depo injection too which sounded great but am now worried about the side effects - the weight gain can be drastic it seems!

There’s no easy answer!


hi guys, im still bleeding, n in pain…due a smear in the new year so i hope ill get some good advice from the nurse…