Quick question

Hello there this is the first time I’ve done this but here goes dose anyone have any advise about relationships I feel like ms has came between me and my wife coz of pain and emotion I could not deal with until now I feel the damage is already done:-)

MS led to the end of my marriage. But found a future later on. I’d rather not discuss what happened and how I got through it on a public forum but happy to talk on pm

Subject that does not have a quick answer. First take a (mental) step back and ask yourselves (yes both of you, its a RELATIONSHIP) "what was our relationship like before MS? was it strong? in trouble?

Then communicate: both of you. Talk and listen, as to what are the worries and concern. If you are recently diagnosed you are prob feeling, grief, anger, frustration, despair or any of the above! And taking it out on those nearest and dearest.

THEY are feeling “I didn’t sign up for this!” “will i become a carer?” do I have to become the bread winner? what about the kids? is he going to die? And 9 times out of 10 they won’t SAY all this, they’ll be worried sick and need to vent too.

Give your partner space, let them have me time as well.

Plenty of couples have to deal with heartache and tragedy of all kinds. Change and adaption, acceptance and good peer suppor all help


Hi Mike,

The MS Society publishes a range of guides called Essentials. One of them is called Sex, intimacy and relationships. You can download it by using the code ES12/070712 on the Publications and Library section of the main menu.

Best wishes,


It takes a very strong bond to get to the golden wedding anniversary!!!

Got our sapphire (45th) one in march!

Both felt like walking, except I’d be wheeling, several times.

Feels like clinging on to a sinking ship at times!

We both enjoy my respite breaks!


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Thank you everyone for your I help