Partner issues

Hi all, I am new to this forum thing and new to ms. This is slightly embarrassing and I wonder if anyone has the same problem. 2013 was the worst year ever, I had my gaul bladder removed, endometriosis removed, amongst other issues. During this time I was unable to have sex due to pain. Since then I had my ms diagnosis and as you all know. Its a shocker!! I have really bad fatigue, nerve pain headaches etc so most of the time im shattered an just want to rest. The issue is my partner thinks im selfish and should tend to his sexual needs, he believes that this is the way you show love, I have tried to explain why I feel this way. I understand his frustration as I used to gave an extremely high sex drive. But now it seems to have gone, my guy thinks I have gone off him, he just don’t get it… … Please help!!!

Hi Try not to think too much about what he says. Your health is important and the more you worry about these things, the more your Ms will kick in due to the stress. Your partner needs to think about you and how you feel. I don’t have the answer for you as I go through a similar thing myself. Not so much with the physical side, but with my parter not understanding just how tired I get. I would just reassure your partner that you have not gone off him, but your body needs time to adjust to all that has happened the last 12months. I hope you can get something from this, even if it’s just knowing that there are people out there with similar problems and we are all here to help each other

Hi anom. Thank you for putting my mind at ease that I’m not alone. I have tried explaining to him but guys are pretty selfish and only care for their own needs. I even struggle to walk now I have sticks and a chair but he still thinks it’s not so bad. I hope both our partners get a grip an begin to understand. Thanks again for listening to me having a whinge. Take care

Make sure you keep communication going with your partner about how you feeling about sex. Reassure him that you still fancy him. I did not do any of these things and my partner found someone else to have sex with. Sorry, but I wish someone had warned me.