Ok I am so confused and stressed out.
I went too the C.A.B about 2 months ago, and he had all the Job centres details on me and I remember him saying I scored 15 points and I am on the WRAG.
How many points do I need for the ESA support group?
I have been waiting since Feb for my appeal and been told I will get it about May 2013… but I sent a letter from my neurologist that reads This Lady can never hold down a full time or part time job, and recommend she never does.
But thats not good enough…
I believe you need 15 points to be placed in the support group. I too have been placed in the WRAG despite letters from both my GP & my Neurologist. I have an appeal in at present but have had a letter to go to Job Centre Plus for an interview?? I rang them & they have deffered as I am unable to get there on my own I have to ring them when my husband gets back from working abroad. Takes the absolute p*** Have a look at a website called benefitsandwork.co.uk (not linked to DWP or Atos) you can get free advise or join for less than £20 for the year, well worth it. Sue x
I feel ure pain 
What I really dont get is I got 15 points and if that is what I need why am I still in WRAG? I was cut off the benefit in May. Before when they were still paying me, I went to 1 interview and I was told to never go back as I was far too sick to do it.
So is it because the people in charge can not read or understand?
Because this does not make sense.
Talk about confusing :-/ I just don’t get it at all, frustrated and angry on top of this ilness is not good. X