ESA confused

Please help I’m totaly lost and confused. My heads a pickle. My Form says I can be treated as having limited capability for work and limited capability for work related activity… What does this mean? Have I to seek work?

I dunno! Give `em a ring and ask for clarification, eh? Unless someone else provides a good answer.

Wendy is good on this stuff. I expect she`ll be along soon.


im currently going through claiming esa and that to me sounds like youve been put in the support group wchich means you dont have to look for work or go to activities to help you find work

When they asses your ESA50 form first of all is the Work Related Activity test where you need at least 15 points to be classed as unable to work right now but with help over a 12 month period you might get well enough. Next comes the limited Capability for work test. At a rough guide you need to score 15 points for just one descriptor – the highest in the list. If you fulfill that part you have limited capability for work related activity and are in the support group.

The support group has a number of advantages. You don’t have to mess about at the job Centre having meetings and preparing for work because the understanding is that even in 12 months you will not be in a position to take up employment. Basically the DWP leave you alone until your next assessment. The biggest advantage to the support group is that Contribution Based ESA continues as long as you are on the benefit. In the WRAG you can only claim for 12 months after which if you have a working partner your money would stop.

Shame on the DWP for making it so unclear that you felt that you needed to look for work.


See I thought our Wonderful Wendy Wendles would sort it out for you.

She`s a good egg!


Basically this means that you have been put into the support group. LCW is for people who get into the WRAG and those withj LCWRA are those that get put into the support group.


Not sure if someone else has said this advice I am about to say and sorry to anyone if they have, I get abit lost when the posts get large :stuck_out_tongue: Anyway maybe the best way to help you understand these forms is to find your closest citizens advice bureau.

They helped me get on DLA and ESA support group.

WRAG only lasts for 12 months with controbution base which means you live with someone, support group lasts for two years controbution base. It would seem incomebase is the one were they don’t stop benefits unless you get better etc. to get that you have to either live on your own or with your parents.

Thank you all… I’m as clear as mud! Lol Wendy you live up to your twinkle your a wee star. Thanks everyone. Once again I’d be lost without you all. Xx


Just in case anyone is having a freak out - Support Group, Contribution Based last not for 2 years but for as long as you are eligable for the group (Which is just as well or they would have kicked me off by now!)