ESA really confused :(

Okay I am for no means ungreatful but after my assessment 2 weeks ago I have been paid £210 and I don’t even know what group I am on or anything as I have had no letters at all…

What does everyone think here? I spoke to them and they said they would get someone to get back to me.

My kind of hopes is the support group as that is £105 a week but its a question of if it was the last 2 weeks.

So I am unsure weather to jump for joy yet

Sounds to me like you’ve been put in the support group :slight_smile: fingers toes etc crossed Sue xx


Its the same as what i get. I got paid just before i found out what group i was in. So hopefully your the same and in the support group.


Funny thing is I have been in appeal since March 2012 for my last WRAG so if I am in the support group now I think they will loose :slight_smile:

Plus I think if it is the support group they r pulling a fast one as I was assessed 2 weeks ago but my forms for this (not including rge claim I am appealing for) where sent in Oct 12! I thought they were ment to back pay you!

OK result! I am on the support group! :slight_smile: they said that they will only pay me from the assessment was done and not when I filled in the forms! they said that is now attached to my appeal which is still on going (Sly) They said I will get reassessed 2015 so I will have that and DLA to fight for that year! I am gonna make sure this year and next go really slow!

Anyway I am so happy! I have been fighting this since 2005! Yay for now :slight_smile:

That’s great news well done :slight_smile: Sue x

Really pleased for you. Xx