Why are my post taking over a day to appear on a thread ? Am I being heavily moderated, if so why ?
Is this happening to others ?
It is pointless posting here with such a delay as threads quickly drop away !!
Why are my post taking over a day to appear on a thread ? Am I being heavily moderated, if so why ?
Is this happening to others ?
It is pointless posting here with such a delay as threads quickly drop away !!
I have similar delays if I get queued up, I don’t use any smileys etc as that always puts me in a queue, it drives me bonkers too so I use old skool smileys
Sonia x
And why can’t so many of us hard-return? (Anything to do with Windows 8, as I could on old laptop which was Windows 7).
I don’t use smilies as they made my post vanish too, and I can use the return key on my kindle but not my laptop which uses Windows 7. Don’t understand it so don’t use smilies and only use kindle.
Cath xx
Agree with all. I don’t know why this is all taking so long… or why we never hear from the tech team about it!
I don’t have some of the problems above, but for me the website runs very slow most of the time. When other sites open instantly, this one can take forever and if I was a newbie I’d probably give up. Also when I post something it takes ages. Could go and make a cup of tea in the time it takes… like with the old ‘dial up’ internet!
That is why posts often post twice… you get so sick of waiting that you press ‘post’ again and then it posts twice!
Pat x
I was wondering if these can be a safe users list so the genuine users don’t end up in a moderation queue? All the spammers therefore end up in the queue.
This should have read “there” instead of “these”. My fingers don’t work, at least I wasn’t moderated!
Hi, I just re-read the sticky on EL called ‘Forum Issues’ about the problems… basically an attempt to get rid of the dreaded kitchen spammers… but I notice the original explanation was posted on 23rd May.
No comment.
Pat x
I wonder if its something like contentious word recognition or even a smiley with a sad face. I.e. You might mention the title of the authority that runs this country. That then gets put in the list for someone to read and check it over. Afterall sites can pick up swear words and star them out, so why not a list of other words or even groups of words or symbols.
Good idea. But what are safe users ? Ones that only talk about the weather or how lovely kittens are !
We have in the past had some very contentious posts… well not on here but on EL… very anti government and there was a huge thread, extremely contentious, when Thatcher died… which they allowed to run… so I’m assuming it’s not some sort of censor. Hope not anyway.
Weather beautiful in London… and aren’t kitten the loveliest little things in the world…
Pat x
The thread was titled ’ question to the mods’!! its now been a whole day with not a mod in sight, although 6 are listed as being present !!!
2 of my posts are still not showing in thread updates that were posted saturday although I can see them as I’ve supposedly replied !!
I suspect that’s because it’s nothing to do with the Moderators and you need to address the problem directly with the web team, using the “contact us” facility.
The Mods are extremely helpful, but can’t be expected to pick up every issue raised on an open thread.
I hope you get this frustrating problem resolved soon.
Well I see only 1 issue thats currently been raised and 8 mods listed as active at the moment !