Sorry everyone its me again
I have just told my mum what happened yesterday and she wants me to find out how much it would cost to go private and she will pay!!!
I could get to Leeds or Sheffield so can anyone recommend someone please.
Sorry everyone its me again
I have just told my mum what happened yesterday and she wants me to find out how much it would cost to go private and she will pay!!!
I could get to Leeds or Sheffield so can anyone recommend someone please.
I am Nottingham area Nikki so not much help but if you decide to come this far - the private neuro i saw at the beginning was fantastic with a wonderful secretary as well.
Thanks Teresa. It is a bit far really, anyway hubby loves it there as he went to uni there so I would have to endure his reminising and tours of all his haunts!!!
Just made an appointment with an MS guy in Leeds for next Friday at 2.45. Really hoping to get somewhere this time.
This is great news Nikki. Well done your mum! It must be great to know that you haven’t got to wait months until your next appointment. Is that Friday of this week? Teresa xx
My Mum said she wants to get me seen quicker but is knocking it off my inheritence though
It’s a huge relief and as awful as it is I will get a longer appointment because I’m paying.
It’s next Friday, He only has Friday clinics and this weeks has been cancelled.
Good luck Nikki, lets hope you get sorted! Chis
Great news Nikki!
You sound so much more positive at the moment.
Good luck for next Friday. Will be thinking of you.
You know what Teresa I feel better. I think the combination of knowing my gp would sort a second opinion and the lovely people here have helped so much. As most people know it’s soul destroying knowing you are going to appointments that are a waste of time but you have to go so you can stay in the system. Xxx
I have pmd you.
I have pmd you.
[/quote] Replied
Do you mind me asking how much it is costing? Also are you going to see Dr Lilly? People at my MS yoga group rave about him. I am going to ask to see him on NHS if I get no joy from my Nuero when I go back in Nov, my local hospital does not have an MS specialist. Fingers crossed you get some answers.
I asked the cost and the secretary said it’s between £150 and £300 depending on who you see and what’s done etc but the average is about £200. Yes it’s Dr lily I’m seeing but I don’t really know much about him. Xxx
Me again, back in 1999, I paid privately to see a neuro…it cost me £175 and £25 for MRI results ( I had the MRI on the NHS). I saw a Dr henderson. He mentioned MS, but concluded by saying he didnt know what was wrong with me! Tell me about it!
The cost hasnt altered much in all that time, eh?
luv Pollx
My neuro was £240 for the first appointment but is £120 for further appointments. Luckily he also works for the NHS so all my tests haven’t cost me anything and he is much more relaxed and unhurried when I see him privately (as opposed to NHS).
I’m so pleased for you Nikki. Let us know how you get on, I shall be crossing my fingers for you.
Mags xx
I’ve heard about Dr Lily on here Nikki. Other people have said that he is rather good. I hope that you get on well and feel that he is taking you seriously. Teresa xx
I have seen & known Dr Oliver Lily for many years since he was a registrar with Dr Helen Ford.
He has always been very good, prescribing steroids when I’ve needed them and getting me Physio / assistance as required.
Never one to rush an appointment (through NHS) & happy to discuss what he thinks and options available to me.
I know many people that see him and no-one has a bad word.
happy to chat more
Me too Teresa x Neil thanks for the reply it’s good to hear from someone who sees him. I really hope I get a positive consultation with him after all the rubbish I’ve had so far. I might message you at some point if you don’t mind. I’m on my phone at the moment so will do it when I get on the laptop. Xxx
Hi good luck with your appointment I hope tou get some answers. Karen x
Is today the day?
Good luck and hope all goes well and you get some answers at last.
Keeping everything crossed for you.
Good Luck today Nikki, Let us know how it goes! Teresa xx