PIP review 2024

Got a text from DFC benefits that they are sending out my PIP review form - nice of them and I wonder is it to do with the new government in place - but as my MS hasn’t got “better” it seems a tad unfair to be targeting folk with MS - any views/advice appreciated

No new initiatives or laws from Gov as yet. It was the previous Gov who was talking about tightening up because they need to reduce the benefits bill. Not as sinister as it sounds because in the absence of face-to-face assessments, during lockdown benefits supervisors were waving thousands through with the scantest of checks. Of course, having given out a benefit, the recipients will get used to the money and it will cause bitter rows when trying to rescind more tenuous claims.

Generally, with MS being incurable and worsening, benefit eligibility is unlikely to be rescinded if you’re as bad or worse than last time you were assessed. Unless you weren’t really impaired enough in the first place… (gets hard hat).

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I wouldn’t be too worried about it tbh, if your circumstances haven’t changed, what I don’t like is the government and media demonising we long-term sick and labeling us all benefits scroungers.

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My opinion where to start!

I requested a claim form for my OH because of a life limiting cancer, it popped through the letter box. Coincidentally less than 10 days later my own pip review form came! I’m REALLY certain that this was just a coincidence (she says sarcastically)

The powers that be are paranoid that PIP is being paid to people who are claiming it fraudulently, but as we know the DWPs own figures suggest that the true number of fraudulent claims is tiny, ok nobody wants people who shouldn’t get it to get it, but is targeting PIP to make savings or to catch the fraudsters? I think it’s the former if their own figures are correct.

So it boils down to this take away the financial support from those who need it and watch the fireworks! Those will be, Evictions, suicide, starvation, further illness, more hospital admissions, more families destroyed, more children taken into care, more mental health problems and ultimately more deaths. This is just the tip of the iceberg, we’ve been seeing this for the last 14 years and I’m terrified because it’s beginning to look like nothing has changed.

If Mr Starmers government doesn’t change things for the better I fear what could happen at the next general election! The Labour Party won the last general election because people voted for change for the better not more of the same but there is still time and we’ve not had the chancellor first budget yet.

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Love the “gets hard hat” brilliant - no need

At the time of my last renewal I got into such a state of panic as there was so much in the media about benefit fraud etc, it triggered relapsing symptoms like nothing else.

However, I got my evidence together, filled in the form and sent it off thinking I can’t do any more. If I lose it, I lose it, I was so tired with it all I didn’t really care. It came back for ten years. Use the Benefits and Work website and chuck everything at it, hopefully you’ll be fine.

Good luck


Cheers pal

I completed my pip review in March and I’m still waiting for a decision.
I’ve had a couple of texts from DWP saying they’ve got my forms and may contact me for more information or request a health assessment.
I was awarded pip initially for 2 years , I also have other conditions , besides MS.
It doesn’t really make sense as MS doesn’t get better.
Anyone else waiting this long for a decision from DWP ?

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Terrible the way they muck folk about with a chronic health condition

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