Pip assesment!!!!

Hi All going for the dreaded pip face to face consultation tomorrow! …to say I’m dreading it is an understatement!..anybody got any advice feels like I’m going to be interrogated!..they make you feel like you shouldn’t be claiming but ms has affected my life and I’m unable to do a lot of things I once could especially my ability to work don’t get me wrong I can do a little but only a little and enjoy my job would far rather be working more than having to claim benefits!..wish me luck anybody else been through a face to face also this is my first time so never been on dla before pip came into force!!..Emma x

Good luck Emma,

mine’s on Monday so I can really feel your pain! And on that basis, I can’t tell you what to expect or anything :frowning:

Let us know how it goes and I’ll have my fingers crosssed for you

Sonia xx

Good luck to you both. Have no personal experience of this but try not to be nervous…you have ms! You’re not a scrounger or trying to get something you don’t need but a very worthy, honest claimant. Tell yourself you deserve this and go in with positive thoughts and confidence, they’re just people with a job to do, not the firing squad! Go get em Ladies!!

Good luck!

Thanks Stitch :slight_smile: x

So how did it go? And your`s nindancer?


Poll, mine’s next Monday.

Hope Emma has an update for us soon

Sonia x

Hi been today and wasn’t as bad as I thought but have no idea how it will go will hear in around a month so fingers crossed x

Emma glad it wasn’t as bad as you thought. Sounds good that you have been given a timescale. No mention of that after mine. Hope I hear soon. Barney