Phobia of blood tests

Anyone have any help for getting over a phobia of blood tests quickly? im deathly afraid of needles, the furthest i can get in an appt for bloods is sitting in the chair and the nurse approach me with the needle, i always back up and immediately start crying
Everything that im seeing online says to practice deep breathing, do exposure therapy, dont look at the needle, imagine yourself in a better place, all of which i’ve tried and found it doesnt help, i also dont have anyone i trust enough to see me cry and be with me to support me, except for my partner who lives in Italy and might not be able to call during cus of school
i really need these tests done, ive been trying since they were asked for in August last year, i can feel my body deteriorating, i’ve called 111 three times in the past week and a half, im so tired- but really i only have one option, the blood test, and it seems impossible

Hi @clutter, I also have a needle phobia, but since being on Tysabri this has gotten much better with the help of using numbing cream! Its called Ametop or EMLA, and put that on for 1 hour with cling film wrapped around it and you dont feel a thing! Worth a try :slight_smile:

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Ooh i’ll look into Tysabri thank you, i always use the EMLA cream ahah, its great! it’s what gets me in the chair in the first place /pos

Could you ask to have them done at the hospital and then they might be able to give you some gas and air. Will completely take the edge off - have been in similar situations myself before and the stuff works wonders!

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i’ll ask and see! right now im dealing with a lot of anxiety cus of some other stuff, im gonna apply to the new ADP soon, so unless i keel over before that i think im gonna wait until after ive gone through the process and then ask, will try to keep this updated!