I received a letter today from my neurologist, he thinks I may have peripheral nerve hyperexcitability, I am due to have a spinal mri in December and a repeat nerve conduction test but EMG this time. Just waiting on the anitbody blood test results. Has anyone heard of this diagnosis before? Anyone been diagnosed with it? I am just a little confused as I have done some googling and apparently it’s a rare condition. I have been in intensive care on two occasions in my life and that correspondence with this condition and my neurologist mentioned that he’s seen this condition with his patients who have previously been ill before. Just wondered if anyone one here has heard of it. Thank you.
Hi Kim, no I haven’t heard of it - it’s a totally new one to me. Like you I’ve been googling and as you say it’s pretty/very rare. From the little I could find it seems as if symptoms can be treated but I couldn’t find any details. I very much hope you soon get a diagnosis and clarity.
If I’m being intrusive then please do ignore my questions. Do you know what made your neurologist suspect peripheral nerve hyper excitability, what symptoms are you experiencing
Hello, sorry for the late reply. My symptoms have been pins and needles and numb toes in my feet, cramps and twitches for going on to nearly 9 years. I have had a clear brain mri, nerve conduction test was negative. Bloods OK apart from my folate is low.
Antibodies blood tests came back negative. Just waiting for my spinal mri on the 11th and I have a EMG nerve conduction test on the 21st of this month.
Hello, how did they confirm peripheral nerve hyperexcitability? If you don’t mind me asking. I have not been diagnosed yet but the neurologist is pointing towards that but I’ve just had a negative antibody test so I am not sure what it could be now.