Finally received my nerve conduction study results

I’m abit confused as to what this letter means. It says rachel has had her peripheral nerve conduction study and there is a mild hyperexcitability but no evidence of more widespread neuromyotonia or significant peripheral nerve hyperexcitability. There is no significant nerve peripheral disorder here.

Then says I will see her in clinic and if I do have any tingling or twitching it may be worth a trial of low dose of gabapentin or carbamazepine.

I’ve had soo many symptoms since day one them being the main two and I had them medications for weeks which made no difference at all. I don’t know what to think.

Sounds like there was a question as to whether those particular symptoms could be due to some peripheral nerve disorder rather than ms but none have been identified by the test.

Thanks for the reply I just don’t want to sound thick or go googling ha. I have no idea what is it

hi rachel

stay away from dr google (the quack) ask your gp to translate it into normal human speak.

you are going to see your neuro in clinic anyway.

good luck

carole x

I know I’m trying to stay off it ha. I don’t see him for 6 months now ha. Thanks x