Last year it was £11,000 stolen from my savings! (none refunded)
With my appearance at court next week, to prove I have a terminal illness, that affects my walking & general health. It just seems to be a never ending scrounge for cash & ideas. The healthy get everything & the disabled become under attack.
I visited my old boss & was offered my job back. Yet, I’m advised not to work. Going to University & creating a £26,000 debt is okay though. Being offered medication for a condition with no cure is fine too. That didn’t work out great either. Almost pearlized & reduced to a vegative state.
Being diagnosed with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis out the blue. Isn’t going to well.
I was far better off with the initial diagnosis of Vertigo. Does anyone from the MS Society know what is going on?
Do I jump in the Grey Metalic Honda Civic parked outside every night & BOOM off?
Tomorrows World or is it a political agenda? Who knows these days?
After having my TalkTalk hacked, NATWEST problems, Facebook issues & zero communication. I’m left in the dark!!!
Maybe it’s my neighbours listening in on my life to afford a holiday. I just want my life back or someone talking truth.
It all seems to stem from my initial diagnosis from my Russian Neurologist. Who knows?
Maybe, I just need a cup of tea. Down at the MS Society. My YouTube channel is history. Or is it?
Aww Terry you sound so frustrated, Lots of things don’t make any sense to me either . i try my hardest to stay positive for the sake of my children and also i still have a life to live even though its not the one that i imagined.
All is good. I’ll perhaps have my legs amputated so it’s more obvious. Some people just don’t get what MS is.
Stuttering, slurring & spasms can be a problem too. The heat is questionable.
What would I know? I’m only someone with a diagnosis of PPMS. If I knew what MS attracted. I would run if I could.
Thankfully I can drive again, due to my persistence & I’m not in a wheelchair yet. Hopefully I can do something that doesn’t cause an issue with someone. Perhaps juggling on a high wire. Hence the off button. It beats having a rope hung from the tree outside & debates about who should rule the world. Perhaps the Aliens know. I could do with a Steven Hawkins chat.
Things will turn out okay. I’m sure. Or however anyone says stuff these days. Once it’s written, it’s set in stone.
Nothing changes & we’re all the same. Anything different, is another story.
Probably painful to bring it up but I cant help wondering if you could still get your savings refunded if you get good advice.? Did you exhaust all avenues?
The only avenues I see, are not safe to walk, if you can. I can access bridges easier, to take a leap of faith. That’s good.
Maybe I could invent something that makes me rich, so I can get away from all this crap. I need to find a cure first. It’s what I was doing in the first place. Trying to invent a simpler way to escape this rat race. I thought I had succeeded & then I was diagnosed with what I have. My health took a nose dive & now all I see are vultures.
At least I can drive somewhere myself now & sit on a bench to think. Do a Rodin pose.
No win, no fee. There’s all kinds of possibility. Look at me. I’m successful & have a great family. I can ponder the past & sit by the sea. My plans were for a future & that somehow didn’t agree, with what someone had planned for me. That’s history. Or is it the lottery?
It’s all an interpretation of what someone else makes it out to be! To suite their gain.
Whilst a disease, slowly cripples me & I get sectioned for hanging from a protected tree & survive. Yay, lucky me.
It’s all just a pipe dream, a geodesic future of hubs & expanding ideas of foam.
Maybe if I send a particle of light into my brain via a sound wave. I can reverse this chaos. Apples & Oranges.
Maybe when I meet John Searl, Tesla, Fuller, Da Vinci & Michael Angelo for tea. They can enlighten me.