Direct Debit

On 26th of October I went go karting & got out on a very rare social event. On the same day, someone used my PC to set up a direct debit to the MS Society.

On the 19th of Feb this year, someone took £9,600 from my Santander account & put it into a Barcleys account using an Opera software browser & it was withdrawn from multiple Post Office accounts in my local area. The same day I visited my GP about getting my driving licence returned.

It seems very strange activity is involved with PiP, GP’s, local elections & support groups since seeking my own choices regarding MS treatments. I do not want this health problem. It seems like chaos. People using anything I’ve experienced in my life to claim funds. I just want my driving licence returned & my job back. ASAP

I’m constantly told I’m going crazy & referred to neuropsychiatry interviews. I will not take medication ever again!

Surely a diagnosis of PPMS doesn’t mean I have to stay in a room looking at wall paper while my life is robbed just because I struggle to walk & have muscle wastage. This is wrong! How on earth is MS linked to Cancer, coal miners, pensioners, war veterans & people with social problems?

Don’t people with PPMS have enough to deal with?

From driving to being driven crazy.

Terry x

I’m lost for words, have Santander taken any action to retrieve your money?

Sonia x


I’m lost for words, have Santander taken any action to retrieve your money?

Sonia x

[/quote] Sorry to ask this but, at the risk of starting a bunfight, what have YOU done to get it back? (Puddle not Sonia but the money AND the driving licence) Don’t ask doesn’t get.

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I have covered every base possible for my driving licence & stolen funds. I just get passed from pillar to post. It’s an endless circle of none sense. Social Workers, Support Workers, Fraud Squad & so on. This all started after I was diagnosed. One problem after another. It seems a never ending circle.

First my Talk Talk (Terry Talks), then my medical records. From Natwest to Santander & the constant miss spelling of my personal details. The CAB tells me I have no hope. First assessed by ATOS then DWP. It’s gone all around the system many times. Advised to vote Labour, UKIP & move country.

The point is, it all seems linked to my diagnosis & political turmoil. The set-up of the Direct Debit to the MS Society is just the latest issue. I’ve seen the locals go from horse & carts to the latest Audi’s. In the meantime, I am losing my sanity.

From Hip Hop, DJ’s, Rave, Graffiti, T-shirt designs, my YouTube account, Sculptures & ideas I had planned. I’m now classed as someone who does nothing. Open a door someone, so I can get out of this loop. From Something Different & thinking outside the box. It’s all just a sick joke. I’m losing my entire life & existence to MS.

My GP’s diagnosis of vertigo & anything related to being dizzy was wrong. Years of being proscribed medication for a problem that has no cure. Then the local drug dealers trying to sell me marijuana as a cure. All I want is my driving licence to get away from this situation.

Is there anyone from the MS Society who can help with this mess?

Sounds like a complete nightmare Terry. If you want to speak to the MS society, there’s a freephone number on the main page.

Sonia x

Whoa Puddle, this is all mixed up so wonder you are so stressed.

Lets look at your problem step by step.

  1. Did you go out to Go-Karting on 26th October 2017.

Who did you go there with?

How did you get there?

Did you take your Santander Bank Card with you?

Was anyone at your house while you were out?

Could anyone else use your PC?

Have you cancelled the direct debit?

Has thee MS Society or any other company used the Direct Debit to draw payment from Santander since the 26th October?

Have you been to your Santander bank to ask WHO set the direct debit up?

Santander and all banks have a duty to care for your security. This should STOP anyone having any knowledge or access to your bank accounts.

Who did you see at Santander bank? Their Name and Job Title would be on their jacket badge.

You say “someone” arranged a direct debit to the MS Society. Have you rang the MS Society to check if the direct debit was authorised by you the year before?

When you get all the above information, things might make sense. It is possible you have forgotten YOU arranged the direct debit, on an earlier date, like when you joined the MSSociety.

  1. You said a large amount of money was transferred from your Santander Account in February 2016 and put into a Barclays account.

Was this a transfer into a Barclays account?

Have you called into a Barclays bank to question WHO paid the money in using Opera system?

How do you know it was Barclays? Have you found out the dates this money was withdrawn through the Post Office Service to Barclays. How much was withdrawn each time. There is a specified limit that any post office can give out as cash. No-one can use several Post Offices on the same day because their system would already know the first withdrawal had been made.

This had got NOTHING to do with you seeing your gp for your driving licence.

  1. Was your driving licence revoked by DVLA because of M.S?They must have taken your licence for a reason and there is no way you can have it back just because you want to drive. I had my licence taken off me too because of MS. I cried for weeks then used buses etc and MS does not stop me from going out.

There are buses, trains and taxi’s to take you anywhere and when you try it you will be very plesed with yourself.

Do you have a Social Worker? You could telephone Social Services to ask them for help because you are not coping.

Do you have a Carer?

None of us want to have M.S but we’ve got it, you’ve got it and nothing will take it away. So we have to try to manage the symptoms and your MS Nurse should help you with the right prescriptions.

It is VERY dangerous to be taking ANY tablets or medicine from a drug dealer…YOU HAVE TO SEE YOUR GP to be prescribed the right medication.

You are NOT crazy or hopeless Terry, but you DO NEED to have the right medication and also see the Neuro-psychiatrist. They specialise in different illness. When your GP said you had vertigo, well, guess what, Vertigo is one of the symptoms of M.S so your GP wasn’t totally wrong.

It takes ages to diagnose M.S as there are so many symptoms. We ll forget things straight away too.

Please go back to your GP or MS Nurse and tell them everything you are feeling. No-one is telling you to leave the Country.

I don’t want to be harsh Terry, but right now it seems you really do need some proper medical help. I wish you well and hope you will soon be able to think a little bit positive.

Now, take care and book that appointment!


First off, I NEVER take medication from a drug dealers! I started inquiring many years ago at my GP’s why I kept being dizzy. I was firstly told it was worms because of tingling sensations & a year later Vertigo. Prescribed medication both times by my GP’s. My problems just kept getting worse. In Feb 2014 I continually collapsed & was referred to the hospital for an MRi. Weeks later I was put on steroids for 3 days days & then received a spinal tap. After numerous blood, stool & urine tests. I was then told I had PPMS in March 2014 & prescribed medication by the Neurologist.

I registered with the MS Trust to take part in their MS survey & subsequently ended up getting inundated with leaflets from a multitude of different MS help groups from all over the UK. Anything I mentioned I was interested in was used to promote the groups. Then I was referred to a Neuro Psychiatrist because I was sick of staying at home being surrounded by drug abusers.

All I wanted was to get on with the things I was interested in. My driving licence was my independence. The loss of it, resulted in the loss of my job. No bus service to the location & very unusual ours. The medication I was taking turned me into a sofa sitting cabbage. I have since refused any offer of medication because there is no cure for PPMS & I much prefer to keep active. Even if it caused continuos cramps, pain & falling.

By researching myself, I read of various methods to improve the symptoms of PPMS. Change in diet, exercise & avoiding negative stress creators. That’s when I became bombarded by peoples opinions on Politics, religion & NLP. I have zero interest in any of those.

On inquiring about how to try & get on with life. I researched how to get my driving licence returned. Subsequently money started being the only thing mentioned by people around me. I changed my bank account & days later after a visit to my GP’s. £9,600 was taken from my Santander account & I could see on my home computer a GPS of various local Post Office accounts making withdrawals. The day after the Santander branch told me the money had been transferred to a Barcleys account. I then checked my location via the MS Trust Website & it shows me as being in the Santander car park at the branch the money went missing. I’m apparently still in that car park right now.

Now I’m constantly told I have mental problems by the people with the mental health issues.

For some reason, someone doesn’t want me to drive. After driving for 25 years I am advised to catch a bus & not work. When I struggle to walk & stand. While everyone else I see with PPMS is still driving & working. Very strange indeed. So it all comes down to money. Jealous of a medical condition. Pathetic! I was far better off, not knowing why I kept falling over. Now I can’t get away from the people who just want money when I am given £20.80 a week for mobility. Hence why I need to get away. Someone local or attached to me, has the mental issues.

Now, how can a Neuro Psychiatrist help me. I know what is going on. I’m just being stopped from living my life.

Anything I was trying to achieve & get on with, is being stolen. I can’t even think without the ideas being used against me to torment or be little me. Very sad!

I went to go carting with someone named Chris I know & was driven by a friend who tries to convince me of alternative treatments for MS. Which I am not interested in. All I wanted was to get out. Being stuck in for years is making me go nuts. Visitors see what I do & want my possessions. It’s creeps me out. I much prefer to keep my personal life to myself. I had a life & it’s being stolen. I was creative & now the ideas I have are taken. I’m losing everything. If I purchase anything, I’m told I am selfish & forming attachments. It’s a sick joke. They lost everything, so I must. What’s the deal?

Sorry PUDDLE, but reading your recent contributions on a couple of different threads, it seems very much like you need professional help and advice.

Help with your physical issues, mental approach to situations, financial difficulties etc.

It sounds like you could very much do with expert help in the areas above, as well as banking, computing and managing your life on a day to day basis.

Contacting the MS Society would be a good way to get the ball rolling !!

By the way, I have SPMS and there is NO MEDICATION to treat any type of progressive MS …yet !

Individual health issues (symptoms) that sometimes rear their ugly heads can be addressed as and when they occur but the overall condition is untreatable for now.

There are plenty of people here who are no longer able to walk, stand, drive or work, but they still completely look after themselves, so the people you see with PPMS who are still working & driving may not have had the condition very long?!

Please ask the MS Society for help !!


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Sorry it wasnt from anonymous it was from me Shellyonthebeach my fingers are too big and clumsy. Michelle x

Yes, very helpful advice Dom. I need no medical, financial or advice of a psychiatric nature. Looking after myself is what causes the problems. Some people don’t like it. They force their opinion on others until they snap. PPMS or any other version of MS is incurable. I understand this. Some people think that taking medication is necessary. After being on Baclofen for 12 months, I will not recommend it.

Changing diet & exercise worked better for me. I’ve spoken to people at the MS Society many times & I seem to know plenty of info from first hand experience. I just want my licence back to get on with my life. Being stuck indoors & getting worse quick is the wrong way. Medication that dumbs the brain & body sensations is a no no. It’s usually prescribed to people with a drink problem. I’m T-Total & proud to be.

Good luck with you SPMS Steve. I’m just not used to not working & driving. It would drive anyone batty. Having to rely on people who constantly let us down, doesn’t help. You don’t need a qualification in looking after yourself. I’m 46 & know a thing or two. I’m usually the one that people come too with their problems.

Take it easy out there. Don’t burst a blood vessel.


I brought a stress relief globe ball to help with my hand strength & cognition. It’s proving to be very useful. They’re only a few quid & great to throw at people too. They cause no harm. It’s been a rough few years. I’m just surrounded by very strange people with mental health problems. They didn’t like me getting awarded PiP. They have gone out of their way to cause me problems because I know things.

Take care out there Michelle. It will all get sorted. The man that can is on the case. Just because I struggle to walk makes me a target for the idiots. They should know better. Unfortunately they were at the back of the queue.

Terry x

Hi Terry,

I really feel for you and your thoughts about other people wanting your possessions. Other organisations contacting you for money should be reported.

You’re not alone in losing your licence and independence. A lot of us have. The dvla revoked my licence straight after my diagnosis of PPMS. I had bought a brand new convertible car only 10 months before so of course when the dvla refused to let me drive I had to sell my beloved car at a much lower price. dvla had revoked my driving licence because of the neurologists evidence from MRI’s that proved the ppms damage. My gp even wrote to dvla to support me but dvla would only accept real evidence. There is no way I’ll ever get the licence back. So I had choices to make…either stay in my house all day & night or ask my good friends for help. My gp is a great guy and understands ppms. I have lost half vision in my left eye, I can stand up for only a few minutes and I can’t walk around my house without stumbling. I have tremors and shakes, I hurt from head to toe and I forget things all the time. Terry, all of these ailments are the symptoms of ppms and there’s nothing we can do about it. Most people with ppms are the same. Some are still able to drive but they have to have regular driving assessments and will most likely lose their driving licence too at some point.

I had to see a neuro psychiatrist years ago. The neuro psychiatrist was testing me for early dementia but found out it was something else. Then he referred me to Neuro and they diagnosed M.S

Terry, I think ALL of us with PPMS have similar symptoms and difficuties to overcome every day. It’s never going to be easy but we just have to get on with life as well as possible. As you live in a remote area with a poor bus service, you could try getting a taxi and use a wheelchair, walking frame, walking stick etc. It’s important to go out now and again.

I really hope you can obtain some proper care, support and a good g.p. Everyone of us on this website knows exactly what you are going through and we wish you well. Unfortunately, it is only you who can improve your life with ppms, but lots of folks here are doing their best to cope. All of us need support and it is there if you look for it. Sometimes a deep depression gets to us all with MS of any type and a few of us are concerned about you Terry. Yet again, your gp or ms nurse will certainly help you.

Good Luck