Pains in legs at night!

Looking for a bit of advice!

Does anyone get really painful legs particularly when they go to bed. I get stabbing, burning sensations in my right arm and both legs. I get them during the day but they seem to be more intense when I first go to bed. Has anyone else experienced this? I’m on 30mg of amitriptyline at night but it doesn’t even touch these pains. I feel it may be worse because it’s started getting cold. I need to speak to consultant but don’t want to go before my holidays as I’m concerned I may end up with side effects when I go on my holidays on Saturday.

Sounds like a typical neuropathy to me, as well as possible paresthesia. Are you diagnosed? It’s not necessarily MS related. Can be diabetes related, or another reason. May consult the expert.

Yes diagnosed about 2 years ago the stabbing pains are starting to really bother me :cry: always had restless legs but feel it is progressively getting worse

Magnesium sorted my problem with restless legs and is a beneficial mineral, so no harm in trying.
Perhaps a bit of gentle stretching before bed will help ease the pain.
I hope you find a workable solution.

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