Hi finally after two years of symptoms and things getting worse saw a neurologist 2 months ago, finally had the MRI scan today, tried to have one at the local hospital, couldn’t even lay down on the bed due to anxiety. went to cheltenham today to the open scanner. managed to go in the machine. had a 20 min brain scan, had to re-do 10 mins of it as I was shaking so much the pictures were blurry, came out thinking that was it. laid there for a bit, radiologist looked at scans, they sent me back in for another 25 mins, for more detailed scans, came out heard someone say something on scans, a nurse came in and tried 6 times to get a vein to put in contrast dye, I was laying there in tears. it was so painful. they noticed and let me sit up. they have put a note for the radiologist to look at the scans and how distressed I was with the attempt to get a needle in and they couldnt find any veins. so hopefully they will look at the scans. just got to wait to see if I have to go back for that, and for the results to reach the neurologist now xxx
What a shame, it sounds like you had an awful time of it today. I hope you get your results soon and that you don’t have to go back for another attempt or if you do that they can give you something to relax you beforehand. X
Sorry to read this, must have been really upsetting. Hope you don’t have to wait long for results x
It sounds awful. I’m wondering why they didn’t try and put a cannula in before you got in the scanner? Mind you, sometimes when they can’t find a vein it’s impossible regardless of where you are.
Still, a dreadful experience. I do hope they get the images they need.
Thank you for the comments, thinking back i hadn’t anything to eat or drink all day so expect that would of affected the needle?. Not sure. I have read it can take 5 working days for it to get back to the neurologist so hopefully hear something by end of next week maybe. I may have to go back if the radiologist feels the contrast dye is needed I haven’t heard back yet.
Just have to wait and see, if I haven’t heard anything at the end of next week, I will email and see if they have received the scan results x
when I went I was due to have a 20 min scan of the brain, its a 3.0 scanner so pretty clear pictures (when I wasn’t shaking), then I had to go back in for another 25 mins, and then they decided to do the contrast as I heard them say something on the scan. I wasn’t expecting to have it done x
Important lesson learned, if you might have to have a cannula or a blood tests, or any needle into a vein, drink lots of water before hand.
Saying that, when I had an MRI with contrast just recently, they tried 3 times to get a vein before the scan and ended up doing it into the hand midway through the scan.
So clearly, it doesn’t always work!
And a 3 Tesla scanner is the best, so hopefully you won’t have to have another one.
How horrid for you - I am sorry. Why on earth they didn’t give you something in advance to calm your nerves I really do not know. A panic response to scanners is a frequent problem; surely it would help patients and staff if they had better ways of dealing with it.
Scanners don’t happen to bother me (although I have plenty of anxiety tics of my own…) but, if they did, I would be asking the GP for Valium or similar to get me through it, I think.