So had the MRI today was only meant to be a 20 mins head and neck, but the radiologist decided that he wanted to do my whole spine which he then changed to a whole body MRI, bit concerned as he didn’t decide to do this until he’d scanned my head he also said they’ll probably bring my appt with the hospital forward too , I’m concerned as to why he did this i asked him, and he said he had a spare ten mins which i know he didn’t because he was 45 mins late for my scan and another patient was waiting after me!! I thought that was v unprofessional
views/opinions anyone? Not sure if i should feel positive or not x
Hi Char I have given up trying to second guess, I keep doing it of late and I keep ending up being disappointed. When I think I have worked out why certain proceeudres have been brought forward or I have seen a new department, things have far from worked out how I thought they would. Sorry I sound very negative. On a positive if they have scanned everyting then hopefully you will get some answers and a treatment plan, which is what this journey is all about I guess. Hope the wait isn’t too long. Lou x
Hi Char
I can only really second what Lou has said. It’s so easy for us to second guess why things have been done. I, for one, do it after every appointment! And I am always wrong!
I hope you get your answers soon, and take comfort in the fact that the scan was very thorough xx
Hello Char My opinion is, he did a good job increasing your anxiety. Your already worried enough about it all. If he did have concerns, he wouldn’t be able to tell you anyway. Scan is done now and needs to be reported on, then won’t be long before you see Neuro. Will someone be going with you for support? I hope your results are negative. Take care xx
Please try not to worry ( hard I know ) I did for nearly 12 months , drove me & my family insane. Have you noticed when we try and second guess , it’s always bad stuff that comes to mind, so really doesn’t help. Take care Gray
It is hard not to worry but it sounds like the radiologist has anticipated the likely response to his report and has tried to get the follow-up scans then and rhere to save you having to go back another day for more scans.
If would be unprofessional of him to tell you his suspicions as he is unlikely to be the doctor who makes the diagnosis: that responsibility belongs to the one who ordered the scan or to a doctor he refers the patient on to. Only neuros can diagnose MS.
I hope the results come through quickly.
It is hard not to worry but it sounds like the radiologist has anticipated the likely response to his report and has tried to get the follow-up scans then and rhere to save you having to go back another day for more scans.
If would be unprofessional of him to tell you his suspicions as he is unlikely to be the doctor who makes the diagnosis: that responsibility belongs to the one who ordered the scan or to a doctor he refers the patient on to. Only neuros can diagnose MS.
I hope the results come through quickly.
I’m trying not to second guess but i come to the same verdict as all of you, he was being v unprofessional by saying things he shouldn’t, i don’t feel more nervous because its got to the point really where i don’t care what it is i just want some form of treatment now, ive been going 3 months with no painkillers or ones that do nothing. i hope they come quick, but from what ive heard they don’t normally ha! i hate the waiting though, ive never been patient anyway x