Following this thread with interest, as I often think about supplements and other therapy’s.
What I’m a tad confused about is the supplements that many people with MS take.
At the moment I only take D3 as a supplement, and only because my neuro advised it and because there seems to be a glimmer of light that MS could be down to a deficiency in vitamin D.
However, when I was first diagnosed I hit the Internet for as much info as possible, and it wasn’t long before I found masses of info regarding supplements that we as MS sufferers should be taking, two that stood out were Magnesium & B12, so for me it seemed a no brainer to stock up on both these supplements.
So I was now taking B12, D3 & Magnesium for well over a year, however when I mentioned to my neuro what supplements I was now taking, he along with his his team and also my own GP all basically said I was wasting my money on both the B12 and Magnesium.
Simply put by these “professionals”, your body will just flush out any excess vitamins that you do not require, so if your B12 is in the normal range any extra is flushed away rather than absorbed and used, the same goes for Magnesium.
I know Magnesium has helped people with cramps ect, so if it is a help than obviously keep taking it, but I’ve also read that D3 will not absorb correctly unless Magnesium is also taken, so therefor you must take the two for D3 to work.
I recently put this to my dietician, who totally threw this suggestion out as nonsense !
Again if your deficient in B12 then obviously it needs boosting, but if you’re in normal range, extra supplements will be of no use at all.
That is how it was all explained to me, yet the general rule of thumb, at least on the Internet and forums, is that these two supplements in particular are a must for anyone with MS !!!
I can fully understand the need for taking supplements if genuine tests reveal you need boosting, but I do wonder are we taking supplements just because it seems to be the “thing to do” ?
What is the truth, it’s so confusing ?
I’m not opening an argument against taking supplements, I’m basically asking do we listen to our neuro’s, when they say you’re wasting your money, and also rely on actual test results to see if supplements are actually needed, or go with what the general census seems to be, after all it has been said many times doctors and neuro’s should listen more to what their patient is telling them.
I’ve often thought that perhaps if MS professionals spent some time reading posts on MS forums on how we are really affected and how certain meds including supplements either help or seem not to help, then maybe they as profesional would have a far better understanding on this crappy illness.
Rant over, sorry for going on and on !