This has been giving me ‘fun’ for years. I don’t know if it is a problem caused by MS or if both of us ‘guys and girls’ get this sort of pain.
Every 6 or 7 months usually at around 1:30am to 2am, I’ll get an intense paid deep inside the rectum area. It can last anything from 15 minutes to 45 minutes. The agony is enough to wake from sleep and I am then withering around on the bedroom floor.
Again, it happened last night and what makes me think it could be a fella problem is then it always gives me an erection - unfortunately I’m in no fit state for my wife though! Still I could be wrong and that is only a ‘plumbing’ side effect.
Still it would be nice to know if anyone, anywhere gets a horrible pain such as this as I don’t think I have seen any posts on this over the years?
There have definitely been posts about it before - and I’ve replied saying “me too” (and I’m a gal!)
To the best of my knowledge, it’s just another muscle spasm. The rectum is muscular, so you can get a spasm there, just like anywhere else.
I’ve read that it also occurs in people without MS, for unknown reasons.
Apparently, strong coffee may help in some cases, but most people are reluctant to try this, because the attacks, as you say, are typically late at night.
I usually find it goes off if I get up and mooch round the house a bit - sometimes only to return as soon as I go back to bed.
Fortunately quite rare for me - only once or twice a year, as you suggest. I’ve never been able to spot what triggers it, but I’ve never had it when I was up and about. Only ever at night, in bed.
So there there have been posts on this somewhere? I’ved missed them then, unfortunately.
Oh dear it seems this could be yet another MS symptom. I don’t really like coffee as well. Any idea on the other posts what people where doing to avoid this or help this symptom? Or is it just another let it pass thing? Like I say it is so strange than mine is at night around twice a year at the same time.
I don’t think anyone else came up with a solution, as far as I can recall.
I think the coffee experiment could be worth a try - even though you don’t like it.
Otherwise, I think it’s just a case of reminding yourself it’s only once or twice a year, so let it pass.
Looking back, I think I had this a few years before being diagnosed, but because it was so occasional, it never seemed worth going to the doctor’s about. If they ask: “How often does this happen?” and you say: “Once a year”, you feel a bit silly, don’t you?
I don’t think anyone else came up with a solution, as far as I can recall.
I think the coffee experiment could be worth a try - even though you don’t like it.
Otherwise, I think it’s just a case of reminding yourself it’s only once or twice a year, so let it pass.
Looking back, I think I had this a few years before being diagnosed, but because it was so occasional, it never seemed worth going to the doctor’s about. If they ask: “How often does this happen?” and you say: “Once a year”, you feel a bit silly, don’t you?
Anitra must be right, that was one of the first major pains I got before diagnosis. I used to think my bowel or bladder were going to explode. Its a dreadful deep pain which is only relieved by reliving oneself then being upright. I used to dread going to bed in case it came on again. I get it now only not as bad, but Im sure it is muscle spasms affecting our innards. Not nice at all.
Are you taking baclofen or buscopan, they may help you. Try asking gp to give you something for bowel spasm and see if that works. Im taking them both so perhaps that is why Im not as affected as in the beginning?
So we are all still puzzled? Nope, don’t take anything (apart from Pregabalin recently).
I suppose it’s one of these mysteries we have but I will ask the MS nurse in October if she has heard of anything like this. Just to see how common it is and why it only comes along once or twice a year in bed at 1:30am - sooooo strange. But my what pain it gives - so I don’t know why my little chap wakes up for it. LOL!
Crikey Marty, I am sorry for you all and glad you posted about this Because this has been happening to me on and off for six years now. I can only describe it as having white hot metal embedded in my rectum…blinding pain!! Like you i also wake in the night but I’ve noticed it also happens to me when aroused for long periods before reaching a happy ending and then a few minutes later…crouching in a ball, reaching for pain killers. I had not thought of mentioning this to the ms doc but will be one of many topics. Best wishes Allen
gosh so glad this was mentioned here…I get it too…it’s agony and the hot poker thing wasa great description…it happens every few weeks to me again usually at night or on waking or sometimes it will wake me…its so intense I just want to scream…!!! am. ot dx and at present I either havea spinal prob or maybe ms…not really sure on this…as someone else said a spasm can occur anywhere…today I had one just below my breast bone and around my ribs…agony that lasted 15 mins…really didn’t know what to do with myself…eek !! it’s vile though don’t you think…even though you know it won’t last…you just want it to stop!! x
Interestingly, the Wiki article doesn’t link it with any particular neurological disorder, such as MS, but does mention the…ahem…male subsiduary symptom.
I think I only began to get this pain with the onset of other MS-like symptoms, so pretty sure, for me, it’s related. But seems to be one of those things anyone can get - just more common with MS. Like all the other types of cramp, I suppose.
Well there you go another ‘condition’ they don’t know the cause of, Proctalgia Fugax and cannot cure. It’s another Buy One Get One Free! LOL.
Still it is very nice to know I’m not alone in this and I really thought it was going to be a ‘guy’ problem with the…er…side effect I was getting from it. I have had it for years and years as well.
Thank you ever so much to Karen and Tina for nailing this one. Who needs GPs, hey, when we have the A Team? LOL!
So now I just need to look into any very quick symptom relief when it happens again in around 6 months time. Otherwise it seems I just need to ride it out. Any ideas I wonder?