slightly embarrassing question...

Hi guys, having an embarrassing problem. Not ready to talk to my GP or nurse about it yet, so thought I’d ask on here! I have had a intensely sharp shooting pain in my rectum. It lasts only a few seconds and happens out of the blue. I’ve had it before my dx, every now and then, but it’s becoming more regular and the pain is getting worse and lasting longer. sometimes up to 20 mins or so. The pain is unbearable, I have found no position to help. Is this an MS spasm do you think? Anyone else suffer the same, and how do you cope? Thanks, sorry it’s not the best subject matter!

L x

Hello hun.

Theres no need to feel embarrassed about posting more personal stuff..............weve all had, got it or ate it! No,not quite right that last bit, eh? That reminds me of the old adage, had one, ate one or shot one!

Anyroad, the pain is something I have had, years ago, but never lasting so long. I didnt get it sorted, as it went away on it`s own.

As it is getting worse and lasting so long, I think you should get it checked out, m`dear!

luv Pollx

Thanks for replying. I find it so embarrassing talking about stuff like this to doctors, silly I know, after all we’re all grown ups (well some of us are!) Seeing my nurse next week so I will try and bring it up with her then. X

Hi Leora

Believe me you aint the only one!!!

When this issue was raised a few months ago someone posted that it is MS related, the rectum apparently being the largest muscle in the body so when it goes into spasm it hurts! Can’t remember any remedies, I take 2 Neurofen Express,and walk about. Mine last around 20 minutes and happen about every 2 months. As with everything it seems stress can play a part.


Leora - I have had this as well - one night and it work me from my sleep and it lasted for a few minutes and I never felt anything like it, just mentioned it to the Missus and took it as a MS spasm to be honest but wasn’t very pleasant…

Yes yes yes all the time at least ten times a day about twenty minutes its in my bum and also feels in my vagina…its agony i cant do anything…cannot move for the pain…i got told its prob ms but could be a prolapse waiting on proctogram results…it could also be internal hemmoroids

Thanks for all the responses, glad it’s not just me, although I wish nobody had it at all! Might have to start taking note of when it’s happening, see if I can work out a pattern. Anon you sound like you’re really suffering with it, hope you get answers soon and some treatment, let us know how you get on? X

Hi Leora I’ve been suffering with this since 8th January and still suffering now. I dont know about you but I also feel like I’ve got a stool permanantley stuck in my bottom (I haven’t) also when I bend over or sit down it feels like something hard is been pushed up my back passage (presume this is a spasm) I also cant feel when I’ve had a number 2, thankfully I know when I need one though. My GP has examined the rear end and it’s clear so she deffinatley says it’s MS related, I also had confirmation of it from my neuro. Hope it dosent last as long for you as it is for me. Sue x

Hi Sue, my goodness that’s a long time to be suffering, I do hope it lets up soon for you. I don’t get the feeling that anything is up there, but do get a pressure when I bend over sometimes. Will just have to face the fear and see the gp. Sure there’s more embarrassing things I could tell him :slight_smile: x

Could be piles!

Moyna xxx

My other half gets this and he doesn’t have MS. He walks around and finds that the best way to clear it (works for him anyway!) Hope you all recover from this soon. xx


Thanks for replying. I find it so embarrassing talking about stuff like this to doctors, silly I know, after all we’re all grown ups (well some of us are!) Seeing my nurse next week so I will try and bring it up with her then. X

[/quote] Just tell the nurse about it Leora… she’ll have heard all sorts of stuff I promise I know its hard but once you do it, you’ll feel relieved that you did…you’ll be happy to talk about any personal issues after that I’m sure. All the best,

Thanks everyone, will try the hot water bottle, although only have the kids one so will be sitting on eyore…maybe it will cheer him up! X