Hi, I am 34 years old and have four children - 2 of which are only 2 and 3 years old. I am curretnly off work sick due to symptoms such as heavy achy legs, blurred vision, dizzienss and vertigo, extreme faitigue (I mean ridiculous tiredness that comes on and almost paralyses me) feeling of numbness in the right side of my body and also in parts of my body its like someone repeatedly scraping my skin so that its over sensitive - it feels like its crawling i have pins n needles all the time in places feet elbows hands legs i feel confused and like i am unable to speak the words that I am thinking at times - i feel that there is a line down the middle of my body like the right side is not mine and im dragging it around
I have had a CT Scan which was clear - i am waiting on an MRI (feb 21st) i have had a neuro exam and was told that there was defintite things pointing towards neuro thinking its MS but they will not treat me or diagnose me without the MRI.
i feel totally alone and terrified - i can no longer be the kind of mum or partner that i was or want to be. everything is uncertain and i am fed up fighting through each day -
sorry for the rambling i just desperately want to know if anyone has been in this situauiton or got treatment before a diagnosis
and if the MRI is clear does thatmean i wont be diagnosed? is there financial help available before a diagnosis?
thanks in advance