Hello everyone
I don’t know if it was wrong or right for me to join this community, i suppose it just seems like such a nice place.
Currently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Sleep Apnea (wear mask each time i nap or sleep) and mild Osteoarthritis (mild according to doc anyway). However, I seem to be getting one symptom after another and I may be looking into things too much but anyway, my latest symptom was double vision. I have never experienced this before and it scared me. Along with the double vision I have also been lightheaded, have pain in my face and behind my right eye, loads and loads of floaters, so annoying, and my right pupil isn’t behaving itself at all. It actually feels as if there is a pressure behind the eye plus it feels gritty and there is a dull ache when I move it. Doc said to go to Optician and Optician has referred me to eye clinic at hospital as he says he hasn’t got the scanning equipment to see what is wrong.
Sorry in advance as I think this is going to become a list of my symptoms
I get pain everywhere but just not at the same time. It can burn, sting, stab, and ache. I recently was getting out of bed in the morning and it felt like I was walking on broken glass. I also had a deep burning pain at the side of my foot and was seen by Biomechanical Podiatrist who said it was nerve pain and had MS ever been considered!
Doc put me on gabapentin as apart from really bad restless legs that come and go I kept having to check the bottom of my legs as they would feel wet. I also get pins and needles or tingling a lot of the time and this may sound nuts but sometimes when I am lying in bed i start to feel a vibration begin in my feet and work its way up to my head. This vibration gets stronger and stronger and I have even heard a humming with it. I’ve had this for years. Weird or what! I also used to get what I call head zaps. Like an electrical current running across my head at the front, dizziness, and once the side of my skull went numb and tingly. Thought I was having a stroke
I am so foggy minded its unbelievable. If having a conversation i forget the word I’m looking for or forget what I was talking about. I’m also pretty constantly tired but also have a separate issue in that my energy completely drains. I feel like a faulty battery that has suddenly run out of juice. I’ve had sleepy and fatigue issues for ages now and lost my job as a bus driver due to not being allowed to drive in april this year.
i am also extremely clumsy and things just fly out of my hands. Doc thinks my coordination is fine but i tend to think that sometimes its not.
Sertraline for low mood and anxiety. Omeprazole for gerd and other meds.
I remember several years ago i had one occasion when i got a sudden electrical feeling pain from my neck and it zapped down both my arms. Another major fright.
Apologies again to all those poor souls who got this far.
i also have bowel and bladder problems and get too warm. Everyone else thinks its freezing but I’m stripping off. That was bad in bed too. Funnily that seems to have lessened whilst new things pop up. My friend says its just the menopause (had a full hysterectomy due to stage 1 endometrial cancer. They also removed ovaries just in case but everything has been fine since and this will be nearly two years ago).
I suppose what I am wondering is are my symptoms due to Fibro or could I be correct in suspecting MS. I know nobody on here can give me the answer but I just had to get if off my chest.
Thanks for listening