New Wheelchair :-)))))))))))))))

My new wheelchair arrived today and it’s beautiful.

I can’t get it into my car yet as I need to get the tie down system fitted first, but I’ve organised that for the 5th of Feb.

I’m sooooooooooo happy as I’ve been suffering with such a lot of backache from my present one.

Just thought I’d share happy news.

I love my wheelchair and freedom

:slight_smile: Mary

brill to read some good news on here mary!

ellie x

Thanks Ellie, It gets even better I got most of it paid for through Access to Work :slight_smile: Mary

Thanks Ellie, It gets even better I got most of it paid for through Access to Work :slight_smile: Mary

Yahoooooooooooooo! Fab news Mary.


Good news, enjoy your new wheels and all the better for ATW paying for it!


Happy new w/c Mary.

jaki xx

Fantastic! It makes such a difference when you have to be sitting down all the time to have something that’s comfortable.


Naomi x

Thank you all for your nice comments.

I’ve called my wheelchair Roy (short for Rolls Royce). I’ll be going out a lot with Roy!

Not today though as I’m snowed in.

StillhHappy days ahead with Roy.

Do others give their wheelchair a name?

BW, Mary

Hi Mary, funny you should ask about names for wheelies.

I have names for other stuff;

when my leg jumps, I call it Elvis

my patient turner is called Tina (Turner)

my kerb climber attachment for my wheelie is Kathy Kirby

Mooching round shops is called Miranda (meander)

Our campervan is called cookie (reg plate)

my hoist is Henry, G likes to call it Mr Shifter

But I`ve not named my wheelie, who I rely on most.

Any sugggestions?

luv Pollx

Hi Mary Enjoy your new wheelchair Roy! I call my stannah stairlift Sybil and my Tramper scooter Tilly but I don’t have a name for my wheelchair or indoor scooters, you now have me thinking!!! Keep warm Linda x

Hi Poll and Linda,

Now you two have me thinking as I haven’t named my stairlift or some of my other gadgets - I think I’ll call my stairlift Uperty as it can sometiimes get me up the stairs.

I love Roy and I’m going to have lots of fun with him.

;-))))))))))))))))))))) Mary