Had a surprise letter from the DWP yesterday informing me that my PIP had been extended, effectively making it a ‘lifetime’ award.
My first ‘review’ was scheduled for July next year, but this will not now happen.
Has anyone else experienced this? I like to think that this is the influence of the new Labour government, but probably not.

Perhaps word has got out that cruelty is no longer government policy. Whatever the reason it’s a great result and gives you the certainty you need.
Yes and thanks. Also it looks like the ‘voucher’ scheme has gone out of the window.

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I don’t think anything’s changed! My partner was diagnosed with an ‘in effect’ terminal cancer so I was told to claim pip for him, three days after his form came my review popped through the letter box! I think it’s a bit of a coincidence don’t you! It is up for scrutiny soon enough but I feel like it flagged up our address and they don’t want two pip claims in the same household. So great now I’ve had to fill in two bleeding forms!
I fully expect mine is going to be turned down and I’m going to have to fight to get anything back because I’ve got no up to date medical evidence to give them so bye bye pip! And you can imagine that as I’m now a carer as well as needing care I have zero energy for the fight!
Incidentally on the last page of my review from they didn’t ask about attending a face to face assessment but on the fresh claim form it did, I wonder why?
I am very sorry to hear about your PIP experience, it must be truly heartbreaking.
I not sure about the ‘PIP in 2 households’ view. Our son also has PIP on account of the fact that he is severely autistic. At the time of the claim he was resident in Mid Wales, however.
My view of PIP is similar to the above respondent, PIP is an evil thing - in a perfect world Ian Duncan Smith would have the same cancer as your partner.
Incidentally I believe PIP never saved the government any money, hardly surprising with all of the additional bureaucracy.

I didn’t refer to 2 households that wouldn’t be a problem! I want to rant right now about everything that is going wrong but I need to stop right now.
Believe me if I start I’ll never stop!