New here… I have weird symptoms

Hello everyone,

I am awaiting appointment with medics… I live in very rural location so it’s a long wait! I am experiencing very odd sensations and feelings especially the last year but ramping up now.
Honestly have felt strange symptoms on and off for over 20 years.
At the moment the worst feeling is like someone is pouring water cold/hot down my back and into both my legs … they are “buzzing” on and off. Also my arms… like they are constantly coming out of sleep.
I have a whole list of symptoms and I felt like a hypochondriac when I spoke to GP who did look at me like I was demented.
I experience profound fatigue and weakness and all I want to do is lie down… but I’m already lying down if this makes sense.
I have terrible bladder urgency and it’s just so distressing.
My brain, comprehension, memory,sentence structure communication has declined.
Spells of dizziness too and my heels are numb along with a patch of numbness on my left knee.
Sincere apologies for such long post.
Feel a bit out on a limb here.

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Just wanted to say hello and hope the wait is not too long.

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Hello @Ginger1,
Your symptoms sound very much like the initial symptoms I had when my MS journey started back in Aug '22.
I had the buzzing numbness all over me. It has mostly gone but it has remained in my hands and fingers with weakness in them.
I hope you get your appointment with a neurologist very soon

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Hello Cymru,

Thankyou for your post. It’s reassuring.
Can I ask you if the buzzing was intermittent and some other symptoms also?
It’s like I have periods of feeling ok … then I start feeling pain , jabbing throbbing. Along with the profound tiredness and weakness and loss of stamina. The buzzing is stronger also. Started to feel an odd buzzing in my face, around my mouth mainly….

I have just found out that our service here is on its knees with waiting times of up to a year… I could just weep.
Thankyou all for listening

Thank you.

Hi @Ginger1, sounds like you are going through a terrible time :(.
My buzzing/tingling/numbness is now in my hands only. Not so much buzzing now, just a strange sensation like all the skin on my hands is rough but it’s not. I also have joint pain in my knuckles and weakness in my fingers if I try to do too much with my hands.
I am so sorry to hear that the MS provision in your area is not good. Hopefully you can find help from folks on here. I have also joined a couple of uk based Facebook sites. Are there any local meet-up groups in your area also that you could try. MS is so individual but there are many common symptoms it seems. Sorry I can’t be of more help.

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Hello cymru

Thankyou so much for your reply … it is really an awful relief to talk… sounds like you have been through the washer yourself.
It is quite unsettling when weird symptoms keep appearing and can’t dismiss them away now.
It will be a relief to see someone but sadly my reality is that may be a long time away.
I’m having horrible cold gushes today with pins and needles and it seems to be affecting me “down below”???
Hope that you are having a good health day.

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