Anyone feel like this?

I’m going slightly mad waiting for my mri results (head and cervical spine). Probably at least another week to wait. In the meantime I can’t help feeling obsessed wondering whether I might have ms.I don’t even know if it’s what the neurologist is wondering. I’m just second guessing. I realise that nobody on here can diagnose me. I am curious to know if anyone elses ms is anything like this. Extreme fatigue, though this does vary. I can wake feeling ok then suddenly feel exhausted. Or I can wake with buzzing in my feet and just know it’s going to be a bad day. Or I can have quite a good day. Tingly feet, nearly every day, but varies to what degree, same with fingers but not as bad. On and off tingling in one side of face, same with back. Jelly legs…varies day to day. Periods of burning tension down one side of body, comes and goes for weeks at a time, sometime disappears for months. Brian fog. Slurred speech… sometimes. General feeling of weakness, usuallymore one side than other. Slight numbness in shin for a while, noticed whilst shaving. Clumsiness. Other than that nothing major. I’ve never had complete numbness, or any vision loss or anything huge. Just general unwell feeling, exhausted and pain, tingly etc… Can ms be like this? I don’t know why I feel it would help me to know if anyone else is the same? I suppose I just want confirmation that ms is a possibility, or whether most would say it doesn’t sound like it.Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks x

Hi Daisy, I am undiagnosed, so in a similar position to yours. I do feel practically all same symptoms as you. But that obviously don’t answer your question, but being in that situation, just sharing same experiences can help.

Exhaustion hits me out of the blue like a ton of bricks, mine mostly in afternoon, sometimes morning too. After nearly two years I can now see that this has happened in clusters of a couple of months with few weeks where Im better in between. I’ve the brain fog and slurred speech, terrible facial pain, feeling that my skin is burnt, numb patches. It started with my left arm being the worst, now every morning both my hands and arms are buzzing and stiff. My left leg has had numb patches, tightening feeling, freezing feeling. I’ve had “crawling” up and down my back, and tightening around my ribs, vertigo and dizziness. My left arm is now much weaker than it was, and lately, I’ve had the sensory disturbance in my right arm too, so I am worried I will lose my strength and dexterity on right too… Like you I think, a build up of symptoms not severe enough to get me to A&E but debilitating nonetheless.

My first MRI of brain was normal. I am seeing the neurologist again in two weeks. I don’t know what she thinks, and its difficult to get any info out of her. I find that particularly frustrating, that the details of my own health situation are kept from me unless I’d ask precisely the right questions.

I can answer your question, but I can tell you I understand why you would feel the need to ask! Best of luck with your mri results…

Thank you for your reply. It’s so unsettling isn’t it, to not know. All the best with you too, hope you get some answers x

Hi everyone hope I find you well had all my mri scans done now just Waiting for results. I’ve been driving a lot today With work and my calf’s have become bigger and a little firm to the Touch has anyone else had this? Best wishes john


it is high tone causing your calves to feel like they do.

it is an ms symptom.

carole x

Hi Daisy, Aissa I was the same as you 3 months ago wondering searching and asking do I fit MS symptoms. I had everything you had and some days they go and then return a week later. The thing is it sounds like MS but it could be a hundred different conditions. Enjoy not having MS at the moment because if it is you will soon be bombarded with booklets and advise from people who know and also people who think they know. If I can be bold and give you some advice and trust me I know nothing. Whatever it is that troubling you hold on to the fact you are incredibly made and science is doing amazing things in finding a cure. If there was a good time to have been newly diagnosed now is the time. We are lucky to be relatively in good shape with so much help from the beginning. Keep going and stop searching you will know soon enough and it maybe great news. Andy

Thanks Andy for your reply, you write wise words. I suppose I’m torn between not wanting MS because of all the awful things about it. At the same time though I have been unwell for 20 years, diagnosed with M.E which is so misunderstood by many and disbelieved. With M.E it’s hard not to wish for a slightly more understood/believed diagnosis, when you have to put up with feeling so rubbish. However, I realise I am lucky that compared to many I am quite well, at least I have good days,which many with MS and M.E don’t, so I try not to take that for granted. I will try and focus on the positive, and not wish for something that I may not have. As we all just want to be well really x

Hi Daisy

I completely get what you are saying, I have been there and your reaction are perfectly normal. I wanted an answer when I was struggling with unknown symptoms. I found myself hoping it was MS and not some of the other really nasty illness out there. The problem is this one is bad enough and worry and stress makes it worse. I think you sound like whatever the outcome your strong and will be fine. keep going don’t google it will send you crazy and every illness will match if you try hard enough. Symptoms are a struggle to live with my symptoms come and go. I hate them and some days I don’t know how I am going to carry on. Then the next they are gone but you do find light even in the darkest times. The problem is your tired, worried and living in the Unknown but it WILL get easier at times. Keep us posted it will be good to know how you get on.


Daisy78 I had my MRI full 1 hour 30 mins with contrast last tuesday and await results too, its agony waiting isnt it !

I have all exactly same symptoms as you but had bad O.N in right eye back in Feb 16 and it has not got better much in 7 months just a bit less misty is all so I drive car very carefully now and slowly avoiding motorways.

I know it sounds batty but part of me hopes and prays its MS even if so I can at least get my head around the symptoms and at least start fighting back. Its like taking a step back to take 2 steps forward but Ohhh such a long process to get DX ey !

Good luck :slight_smile:


All the best Dee. ON is a very common symptom of ms isn’t it. I’m glad you understand. I feel I’m going crazy waiting. I phoned the neurologist’s secretary on Monday, she said I would get a letter, but that he had a backlog as has been away for 3 weeks. I wanted to shout, “please just tell me the results.”!! I know they can’t, but it’s so frustrating to know that they might just be sitting there saying “normal”. I feel myself wishing the result is ms too. I know you need to be careful what you wish for, but I need closure so that I can deal with things. Hope you get your results soon x

Hi Daisie, I had full MRI last week a nightmare to keep still when you get spasms and cramps etc for that long ! and I rang yesterday re results only to be told there is a six to eight week backlog in Kent so not to call until at least 11 Oct ! ! Hey ho… so in other words… just wait my turn and stay in the queue. I am sure the not knowing actually exaggerates the symptoms ? I feel totally clapped out today for no real reason.

Good luck and all the best

Dee x

Hi Daisy, Aissa, Dee, anyone else waiting for the results from their MRI scans,

It’s bloody hell waiting for results. And a bit of a mind bender when you almost want to be diagnosed with MS just so you can relax and get on with dealing with it.

Andy spoke very wise words about making the most of not having MS, because until you are officially diagnosed you don’t have it. But understanding that and actually living it are two different things.

If you are waiting for a neurologist appointment to be booked, try phoning your hospitals waiting list / appointments team. Failing that, try your neurologists secretary.

If you have an appointment but it’s weeks away, try phoning the appointments team, be sweet and nice and ask whether there’s any chance of bringing it forward, perhaps a cancellation???

Otherwise, it’s just a case of waiting. If it is MS, more than likely it will be relapsing remitting, which at least means that as time goes by, the symptoms with gradually improve either completely or partially. (Dee should you really be driving with optic neuritis? I actually did it myself a couple of times with double vision before diagnosis; driving with misty or double vision is foolish and possibly dangerous, you know this really, just as I did. Just think about how bad you’d feel if you had an accident and hurt someone.)

Enjoy what works properly, really think about what does work rather than what doesn’t. If you do have MS or another neurological disorder, you might find in retrospect that today is pretty good. And if you can, exercise. Try to get your core muscles as strong as you can do, if you have MS, they will be essential for the future.

Good luck to you all


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Thanks for wise words Sue,

I actually have wondered a lot about driving and what to do but til this sight (mssociety) have had no one else to relate to so am loving this sight now ! I see I am not alone.

I actually saw my GP today re O.N and he has advised not to drive also as my ON is possible damaged permanent so he has asked me to get a visual fields done with a street optician to speed up process as they can write a report to him of the extent of the ON damage which I had no idea they could do. All this time I have just been waiting to see my ophthalmologist etc but apparently I can speed this up and even get some spectacles with the RH lens misted out to help with my double vision.

Thanks for all your help ladies and gents

Dee X

Hi Sue, thanks for your reply. Yes I imagine there is some comfort in not knowing whether you have ms, as in in my case if it is m.e then I can hope that maybe it won’t get worse, I don’t have to go through the treatment etc. It’s just with M.e there is so little treatment and understanding. Still I realise it probably has its pros, compared to m.s, well in my case anyway. I haven’t been given a future appointment, just told I will receive a letter, and a future appointment will just depend on what the mri says. Thanks for your advice, hope you are as well as poss x