
Hi apologies that I keep posting but I don’t really have anyone to ask advice on all my present issues. After a terrible neuro appointment last week, I decided to email my neuros secretary addressing all my concerns and to also enquire as to why my legs and body are having spasms and in so much pain. I recieved a reply saying the neuro wants to go down a different route and refer me to a neuro phschologist. Can anyone tell me what this means? Is it their way of telling me they still think the whole thing is in my head? As I have to reply to them today to tell them if I am willing to do this. I feel like banging my head against a brick wall and starting to wonder if it’s possible that I am causing all these things going on in my body. I’ve gone from someone who very rarely attended the gp a year ago to someone who feels like I am becoming a pain to the nhs. Any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks Jo x

Hi Jo Really sorry to learn that you’re experiencing such difficulties in the voyage of learning what the cause of your issues are, clearly they need to be discovered in order to provide the best treatment. I may be very lucky as I have a brilliant GP, and the Neurologist initially seen privately, but now under NHS has been very quick to diagnose my MS, however, I may have inadvertently aided their decision by leaving too long to start the process! There will always be crossroads to overcome and having a second view point can’t be wrong so embrace his recommendation, which I’m sure is without malice, but more for greater care in achieving the correct diagnosis. Keep strong, use all the resources available and work with them. All the best Paul

Thanks Paul that is how I’m trying to look at it now. Sorry about your diagnosis but I can imagine its a relief to anyone once they have answers. I’m going to try and not dwell on it all until all my appointments come through and hopefully I will find out the cause of these bizarre symptoms Jo x