Neurologist help

Are we able to change to a different hospital ie ask for refferal from doc to another Neurologist, i have no confidence where i am re my future treatment tbh so can we request a different neurologist refferal? second opnion etc. Thankyou x

I did this but it was many years ago. There are 2 main hospitals in Leeds so I just asked my GP for a referral to the other one. Now, the MS clinic is a combined affair with everybody going to the same place so I don’t know how it would work if they’re all on the same team.



yes-gp can refer u for a second opinion but i suggest u do ur homework first. better the devil u know and all that. what do u expect from new neuro etc? (i am not asking you-just be sure of ur expectations)

good luck!

ellie x

ps i did change-2nd was as bad. but am happy with 3rd one. (its not as simple as that but hence my above comment)

thank you both for replies, that helps. How about a referral to a universaty hospital out of area can i still ask for referral to preferred neuro do you know? x


am now not at my local hosp. dont think u can ask for a specific neuro but i am not sure. hope someone can give a definitive answer.

ellie x

ok so i could ask for hospital prefered? x


In the late 90’s I was unhappy with my existing neuro and recommended to another one. I have since followed him from the home counties to London.

I would suggest talking to other MSers in your area and find out what they say and think. I think your visits to the neuro are funded by your PCT so find one you like then talk to GP


Thank you that really helps knowing i have a choice. X

Hi Twiglet, I changed my hospital last year and quite easily too. I wasnt happy with my old neuro and always felt like he was just fobbing me off all the time. I live in Hertfordshire and decided to transfer to University College Hospital for Neurology in London. Quite a trek but well worth the effort. All I did I requested a refferal from my Gp Then went onto the new Hopsitals web site and booked my own appointment which was only 1week later. The difference is just amazing My new Neuro is so lovely and he actually listens and he got things moving straight away. Go For It dear but deffinately do your homework. Where abouts are you located?

Kim x

Hi kim,

Thank you for your experience,horrid isnt it feeling fobbed off I dont intend to be. Doctors appointment booked for next tues so will ask. Im in leicestershire and dont wont either local hospital (Ms Nurses lovely, Neuro no confidence in at all.)


Hi kim,

Thank you for your experience,horrid isnt it feeling fobbed off I dont intend to be. Doctors appointment booked for next tues so will ask. Im in leicestershire and dont wont either local hospital (Ms Nurses lovely, Neuro no confidence in at all.)


One word of warning…I live right on the border between two boroughs and the third different one is 5 miles away.

I live in Dudley but have a Sandwell gp. My neuro is in Birmingham.

Now Dudley have got a neuro who can sign for my DMD’s (don’t forget not all of them can) the Birmingham neuro discharged me to the Dudley hosp where I live. When I saw my nurse she went into overdrive as although I live in Dudley the neuro from there can’t sign for my copaxone because I have a Sandwell gp. so I have got to get Birmingham to have me back as they will sign for Sandwell patients.

If you followed that well done, it is a thought to bear in mind though.


Take a look at the thread I started a week or two back with a heading called “Know Your Rights”.

It will tell you exactly how to look in the NHS Constitution to find out that Yes you can change.

But please, do take note of the warnings that others have given about who can prescribe what, and remember that (for some crazy reason) it costs a GP when they do a referral - so they may be a little cool to the idea.


Thankyou geoff, very informayive, a great help.