Hi there Does anyone know how I go about changing my neurologist or has anyone had to do it? I would just like some advice really, I presume I go to my GP to ask but does he have to do it? Thanks for any replies
I have done this a couple of times. My first neurologist was abrupt and seemed disinterested so I asked my gp to refer me to an ms specialist in another area. I made a 100 mile round trip once or twice a year, only to be told each time “I’ve still nothing to offer you.” So I asked my gp to refer me back to my local hospital, less than two miles away, which he did. No problem at all. I don’t have a neurologist at all now, the third one being even less interested than the first saw me twice and discharged me. Good luck with yours.
i have changed and gp was involved… i dunno if physio, ot or a.n other can refer you or self refer but am guessing gp should be involved.
good luck!
Well over 15 years I`ve seen 15 different neuros, been to 3 different hospitals in my area.
They dont seem to stick around long. Do you think they are trying to avoid me, as i give them a challenge?
ps i would ask my gp about it in your case.
Thanks everyone These are the exact responses I was expecting, I knew I couldn’t be the only person with a disinterested neurologist and Poll I think the reason mine has a problem is because I am a challenge too I wont take his DMD’s, I do my own research and question everything, I want everything explaining properly and don’t like been fobbed off and I like people to think out of the box, ha I can’t believe you’ve had over 15 in 15 years! I have put up with mine for 5 years but something that’s happened recently has been the last straw and now I want to change. I’m seeing my GP tomorrow so going to give it a try… Juefaz
There’s a certain neurologist I would like to change to in London, if I saw him privately first, as the drug I would like to try is a private drug, is it then possible for him to take me on as his NHS patient?
What he can do is to refer you to himself at his NHS location.
Thats what my first neuro did way back (first I knew about it was when one of his colleagues rang up to arrange for an LP).Several people here have had something like this.
Thanks Geoff, can I just ring his private secretary and make an appointment with him or do I need a GP to refer me first?
You have to be referred by your GP, even if you’re seeing the neuro privately. You may be able to see him/her on the NHS if your GP will meet the cost of a second opinion from the practise budget. This is exactly the situation I’m in and my London neuro writes me a private prescription for Fampyra. The rest of the drugs I take (all originally suggested by him but prescribed by my GP) I get on the NHS. I have heard of people going from being private patients with my local (useless) neuro to being NHS patients.
Hi changed last week ago & was advised to rings PALS , i did this & was very impressed
in 48hrs i got a telephone call saying all done
regards sheep
Wow sheep that was a result, so you ring PALS and say you want to change neuro and to who to and they do it, is that right or have I misunderstood? Do you have to give a full blown explanation as to why you want to change? Because if you do I will have to write a list!
Sewingchick You say your london neuro writes you a private prescription for your fampyra? Mine said he would then he said some new ruling had come into force and he could no longer write a private prescription for me because I’m his NHS patient I really don’t understand it, my neuro covers my area and london so it’s not an area thing
yep i didn’t give any explanation as id of been lost for words of a decency nature if they had asked all i said is
i would like to change please & bam job done
respect sheep x