Neurologist appointment: ? Fibromyalgia

Hello everyone,

Had my first appointment with neurologist yesterday and I am feeling a little bit exhausted.

He carried out the range of tests, hand gripping, movements , hand eye coordination , reflexes, eye movements, walking…. I did my best to tell my story and my many symptoms…

He said none of the tests would indicate MS… patchy numbness comes with age??? Coldness and stiffness along with the pains and pins and needles and the profound fatigue is most likely due to fibromyalgia .

Although he didn’t feel that an MRI would reveal anything he decided to request one.

This was all private.

As much as I do not want a diagnosis of MS I so desperately want to know what’s happening to me as life is very difficult sometimes to physically get on.

Just wondered if anyone else has had similar experience on their journeys?


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Hiya ginger,

I can’t help I’m sorry :disappointed: but I wanted to offer my sympathy and let you know you’re not alone xx I understand and am going through similar things.
Currently waiting on MRI results and a neurologist appointment.
Fibromyalgia is what I probably have (they still don’t know and are ordering more tests) but whether it’s that or MS, the unknown is scary and I just want to know for sure what I’m fighting against!

Keep going :muscle:t3:

It is always nice to be reassured that on clinical exam there is nothing glaringly obvious that shows us to be dramatically ill. Even if that news leaves questions unanswered, good news is always good news.

But that’s not the end of it, is it? The most significant outcome might turn out to be the MRI referral. The doctor isn’t going to be wasting your money or your insurer’s money without cause. I am glad that he wants to check for sure that there’s nothing going on in there that shouldn’t be - that will be very useful information for you. Do not feel that you haven’t got anywhere - you have got somewhere.

Thankyou Kyla,

Your words make sense and are very comforting.
I’m trying to talk sense to myself and honestly I don’t know what I was expecting from the appointment.

I have waited for such a long time for answers and the limbo place has been very very hard. The waiting time is enormous so I decided to seek the private option.

I think that I take deep breaths and see what the MRI reveals then take it from there.
I hope that you receive answers too

Ginger :hibiscus:

Thankyou Alison. Your words are of great wisdom and ofcourse absolutely right.

It’s has gotten really hard lately to hear sense and reason as I’ve been feeling so weak and vulnerable.

Long periods of illness and the fear and uncertainty grinds you down a bit.

Paying for this consultation at least affords me the luxury of not waiting for the MRI for too long, and for this I am fortunate and grateful to have the resources. :slightly_smiling_face:


I guess it depends how long you’ve had the symptoms for. Personally I’m 63 and started developing symptoms at 25 so although it may be my first neurology appointment the symptoms are not new. So that is a question for you to consider. However if your symptoms are more recent then maybe your neurologist is correct with his diagnosis. It’s good that he’s going ahead with an MRI. Otherwise if there is no likelihood of it being MS symptoms maybe research the other conditions that he has suggested and think about getting the correct treatments for those. I hope you find out, it is horrible not knowing.

Thankyou Apricot

I started getting symptoms when I was 31. I am 59 now. Although I was diagnosed with autoimmune thyroid disease at 38 I never really recovered and my symptoms continued on and off for the next couple decades.

The last few years have been very hard to cope with and then this big rush of things happening early this year. I am feeling a bit better the last month but I’m left with some things that haven’t gone away.

I would just dearly like to know one way or another; just to have a name, would help.

Well it seems like this is all something you’ve probably discussed with your neurologist. I hope the MRI yields some answers for you. And of course, if you’re not happy with the neurologist I guess you could always ask for a second opinion. Try to get something definite though, you don’t want any wish washy diagnosis, you need something concrete that you can work with. Wishing you all the best xx