Hey everyone, new lady here. I know you get oodles of questions from newbies so I’ll try to keep it brief as possible.
Long story short, over last 18 months have had:
pins and needles/electrical feelings all over ,heat sensitivity, weird twitches/pulsing feeling in muscles, shocking pain in upper back,Lower back pain when walking, cold patches,shaky hands, memory loss, co-ordination has gone to pot, constipation and frequent weeing, achey body, blurry eyes with stabby pains, dizziness,Tiredness and so much more (fun stuff eh?)
Been trying very hard to get an answer as to what the problem is. Have had the ana and other bloods test, back and knee xrays, and ct scan. All clear. I’ve seen a Rheumatologist (waited 2 months to be seen for 20 mins!!!) who said it ‘seems like Fibro’. GP said it didn’t sound right. There’s been no mention of MS and I really don’t want to self-diagnose but after 18 months I started to look into it myself and it seems to fit.
She reffered me to a neuro who I saw today. ( read Rizzos advice beforehand - thanks!) He was a lovely man but again I was only seen for 20 mins and there was no examination, he just read my folder, asked some basic questions, and said it was most likely Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but he’d send me for a head and neck mri anyway. He said its stress related and to talk to my Psychiatrist (I have never seen one and Im not depressed?!?!)
I feel like Im being fobbed off by Doctors a bit. My questions are, should I mention ms to my gp or would I sound like a hypochondriac? and was this normal for a neuro appointment?
Any further advice would be lovely xx