Need advice please

Hello , New member but have been lurking for a while thought i would put me symptoms out there any advice is greatly recieved, ( Sorry if this is a long post).

I had an small accident August 2016 i carried a empty fish tank out to the 3 door car had to put it in the back seat so had to kind of twist to get it in, woke up the next day with a pain in my lower left side on my back thought nothing of it then an hour later the pain shot down my left thigh from then i was laid up in bed for 2 weeks , couldn’t sit/stand and only lay down on my right side,My Dr ( who done a home visit) prescribed Co-Codamol 30mg/500 mg and diagnosed a trapped nerve, things slowly improved & i became a bit more mobile ( my thigh has never gotten any better, very tight & heavy & has been numb ever since) 10 day after my Dr diagnosed that, both hands got pins and needles 24/7 & like shooting electric shocks going right down my fingers, Dr out again & i was prescribed Gabapentin which has been increased up to the dose im up to now 1800 a day, as of now both arms are numb , both hands 24/7 pins & needles ( the shooting electric shock pains come more when my Gabapentin are slowly wearing off) both legs are numb, im very un steady have fallen several times,my new sympton is my head it goes fuzzy then shoots pain down my whole body, i have my first Neuorolgy appointment on 7th February.

I think that’s everything sorry again for the long winded post but im getting pretty nervous & anxious so any help to put my mind at rest i would be very grateful.

Thank You Lisa

hi lisa

the central nervous system is a complex organ.

really it is only a good neurologist who can piece together what is going on.

they work on a process of elimination.

only 4 weeks until your appointment so write a list of your symptoms, when they started, treatment tried so far etc.

hopefully he/she will arrange for you to have an MRI.

my top tip is to avoid stress.

ok it is a stressful time but mindfulness meditation really helps.

it may be something simple like a vitamin deficiency - i hope it is.

good luck

carole x