Can any one give any advice please?
I’m in real pain on my arm and fingers especially. Also the little finger on other hand. My legs feel really heavy and almost like they have a band tightening them that makes it feel like i cannot straighten them??weird eh?
i’d had pins, needles and numbness now pain. My gp will not issue any pain relief for it, he says i’ve got to wait to see neuro. I’ve tried ibuprofen, paracetamol etc which do nothing.
not got neuro apt for another month and really struggling .
It may be worth giving your nero’s secretary a call Beth and asking if they can contact your GP to ok a prescription. Hope you feel better soon hun.
Mags xx
thanks Mags- I’m not diagnosed though and have not seen the neuro for around 18/12-2yrs. do you think they will give me anything?
If you’re in significant pain they should do - also if this is something new you must flag it to your neuro.
I had pain in my wrist last year (pins and needles in hand and neck spasm too at the time) and it was excrutiating. Like you I was taking co-codamol, paracetamol anything over the counter I could get my hands on - at the time I wasn’t under a neuro but was due to see a physio for ? trapped nerve. Well it obviously wasn’t that but thankfully the pain subsided after about 2 weeks - it did almost have me in tears though.
Hope you feel better soon.