Hello! I am not diagnosed with MS but have been having different neurological symptoms for 4 years now and MS has been in the back of my mind as a possibility on and off most of the time. I’m currently trying to get a referral to a neurologist. My main symptom for the past 2 years has been spasticity in my legs. I have it in both but it’s worst in the right one and I haven’t been able to bend it while walking for over a year now (since I had COVID). About 2 weeks ago I started having muscle spasms in both legs. It just felt like my whole leg would tighten up and I had to focus really hard to relax them, then it would immediately happen again. It gradually got worse over about a week and was causing a lot of back and hip pain and making it difficult to fall asleep. Then it gradually started getting better…first my left leg stopped spasming, then it was only in my right leg from the knee down but still happened constantly whenever I was at rest. It finally started to let up last night and today has only happened a few times on and off. I guess I’m just wondering has anyone else experienced this and could it have been an MS relapse?
Iv had similar/milder symptoms to this and yes it could be an MS relapse if you have MS. Have you had a Brain and Neck MRI and Lumbar Puncture? If so what was the result?
Thank you for the reply! No I haven’t had an MRI or lumbar puncture yet. I have been to doctors on and off about this and most of them have just wanted to put me on an antidepressant. My current doctor did send me to a neurologist for an EMG and nerve conduction study a few months ago which was normal. The neurologist who did the test told me he thought it was something central nervous system related and wanted me to come back for a full neurological exam so I am trying to get a referral to do that and go from there.
Muscle spasms could indicate an MS relapse, but other causes are possible. Consult your neurologist promptly to evaluate and address symptoms.
Thanks for the reply. I am trying to get a referral to a neurologist but my doctor keeps giving me the wrong referral. I have an appointment with him in a couple weeks to hopefully get things moving.
Request an mri scan through your doctor and don’t leave until they put it through! They have been asking me for years if I’m feeling down or stressed when my symptoms were instantly obvious to a neurologist. However I only made it to a neurologist because a physio requested a scan for my neck to check for any slipped disks as I could barely move my neck by that point.
I went to the GP with Lhermitte’s Sign and was asked if I was feeling low. It baffles me now that was a clear neurological sign for them. But I didnt know what was going on back then so just left it myself. 4 years later I stumble on a diagnosis by chance.
GPs aren’t specialists, they are just as clueless as us for the most part. They just need direction. Get an MRI scan, and chase that up after 2 weeks. It’s your right to have it. And from there you will have more of an idea of what’s going on, or at least put your mind at rest
I will be seeing him Thursday so I will ask. I guess I was figuring that the neurologist would be the one to order an MRI. I know my GP could too but would he miss things on it that a neurologist would see?
The same people do the MRI if it was to go through a gp or neurologist. The GP doesn’t review the results they just get the report, which tells them whether or not they need to take further action and refer