Hi everyone,
Please forgive me if this has already been discussed recently (I’m new!) - I won’t be offended if I don’t get a reply.
I wondered if anyone else has a lot of muscle twitches all over the body when they are sitting or lying down. I get them in my back, abdomen, arms, legs, hands, even chin. They come and go and are not painful, but I find them unsettling. I just wondered if this was a ppms symptom or something else.
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Hi Pete,
Yes, these spasms are very common in MS. They range from invisible tics to whopping great jerks that are like kicking. It’s a bloody nuisance.
The good news is that there are drugs which can damp these involuntary movements. Ask your GP or MS Nurse for advice.
Hi Pete
Yes, it’s another ms symptom to add to the rest unfortunately, and if they are bothersome have a word with your ms nurse or GP for medication to help.
Lovely sunny day here today, hope today is good for you.
Pam x
That’s what I just said.
(S 11 knots. 27 deg C. Vis good)
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I find 350mg of magnesium dampens down spasm and worth trying before the more serious drugs.
Sorry AD, I should of read the replies! On the other hand…great minds think alike lol
Pam x
Thank you so much - that is really helpful everyone, and I’ll give the magnesium a go.
I’ve not heard of the magnesium before. Having said that the twitching is having a bit of a sabbatical at the moment. I think since I’ve been taking citalopram my body seems calmer. You might find Pete that your’s may drift in and out.
Best wishes, Steve.
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Hi everyone I’ve had muscle fasciculations since February and my neurologist thinks it’s benign fasciculation Syndrome I had a brain mri on Tuesday and having spine done next Saturday. Are muscle fasciculations a sign of ppms? Because I’ve heard it’s not a very common ms symptom.
Hi John,
I’m sorry but I don’t know. Hopefully somebody from this forum will know.
All the best, Anne
hi john i get them rarely. MF, can come from a lot of different things, and sometimes with MS, we have other stuff going on not belonging to it.
It can be a dietary deficit even.
Most of my lesions were in my neck and spine although way back i had a cluster of them which were for some reason explained away as my age lol. The radiologist got that royally wrong.
I have spoken to a few of my friends with PPMS and like me they only get FM on occasions, but weirdly my daughters friend gets it a lot with her M.E/Fibro, because her muscles are wasting.
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Can I ask everyone on do your symptoms with ppms come and go or are they there all the time and do people with ppms Have problems with mainly walking?
MIne are with me all the time, but certain things will exacerbate my symptoms, like the heat for example, will make me weaker and my legs have more sensitivity. A lot of my issues are my legs or from waist down. I have a weak left side, which affects my left leg, and my left side, my right isnt too bad, but i do have some neuro stuff in my right leg, the same tingling, vibrating, buzzing, and spasms but my left foot and ankle is the worse thing for me. Toe spasm is awful and causes me a lot of pain.
Fatigue too but later in the day.
I was told that if you get PPMS later in life a lot of it is down to spinal cord and lesions, so i suppose it would actually affect your legs more. However, if you are RRMS, then moved on too PPMS then i would assume people would have more cognitive etc and other issues, not sure.
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Hello, John.
With me, some minor symptoms have visited and left. I think the most visible symptom is difficulties in walking and fine motor control. My legs are attacked by a flame-thrower every time I move. When I don’t move they are encased in ice. Then there is the incontinence issue. I have a 15 second warning. Lots of people also get numbness. If you look at the symptoms on this site you’ll get a more comprehensive account.
Best wishes, Steve.
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Hi John
my symptoms are all the time, but to varying degrees, what is bothersome today may not be tomorrow, even as far as I can have a good morning then the a afternoon can be awful, and vice versa. Unfortunately, there is no rhyme or reason with ppms, it has a mind of its own.
I try not to plan things too much, just go with the flow and do things when I can, Otherwise it can be hit and miss.
Take one day at a time, and try not to get stressed, as that exacerbates symptoms as well as the heat.
Pam x
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Thanks everyone that’s helpful to be and reassuring I don’t have a lot of problems so in greatful. The problems I have come and go and are minor so hopefully it’s not ppms.1 The worst problem I had was a numb arm for about 3 weeks and it took about 4 months to get back to 100% But it did so that sounds like rrms. I’ve had numbness in my face and forehead as well but that’s all back To normal. Thanks everyone and God bless
Ps I’m so sorry for all your troubles I have my spine mri next week had my brain mri on Tuesday I will keep you all posted Have a good weekend and once again God bless