Hi all,
My mum has ms she is 57 and was diagnosed aged 38ish. She has been in a care home for 2 years now, my father was her main carer till his passing then my sister who lived local to her for a further year. For one reason and another it became impossible to care for her at home and mum wasn’t happy at home on her own either.
She is moving the 1 and a half hours to live in a home near to me tomorrow. Something I have wanted for a long time. She has just spent a month in hospital after ending up in there through neglect from her previous care home. All a big mess and very hard to manage with her being so far away.
Anyway, to cut it short. Mum is going into nursing care near me but I would like to be able to get her out and about a bit, something she is desperate to do also. She does not weight bare at all and is in a wheelchair, she is very stiff and transfers are done by hoist. What is avalible to her to aid her in getting out. She doesn’t really have any money as her care is social funded and what she does get pays her contribution to care. The home do not have transport, nor do I have a car I can get her in. We could use taxis but this would soon cost a fortune, something that we can’t afford. Trips can only be short as she can’t spend to long in a wheelchair, so waiting around for buses isn’t really an option and would be very limited on where we can get her to.
I would also love to be able to bring her to my house for an afternoon etc but would need to transfer her to a sutible arm chair from wheel chair. Does all help with such things stop once a care-home is in place or are there organisation etc that can help with equipment etc still?
Please advice. Mum is desperate to still have outings etc.