Good evening everyone,
Just a quick question I hope someone can help me with. All day today I have been feeling very muddled, like I can’t concentrate on anything and extremely tired also my jaw doesn’t feel like it’s attached (if that makes sense). My question is has anyine ever had this, could it be the start of a relapse. I’ve been pretty stressed lately (mum was rushed to hospital last week but thankfully got out yesterday and is on the road to recovery) I know that feeling muddled can happen even although I have never had it before but its the jaw thing I feel like I can’t talk properly.
Any comments would be great, thanks
Hi Claire,only you know what happens as you go into relapse,so I’m not making any assumptions.But what I do know is that stress can cause us problems, and bring about things we’ve never experienced before.You are right about your mum and her hospital stay causing you stress,but even though she’s out it may take a few days for the stress levels to drop and for you to return to your ‘normal abnormality’.
This may sound strange,but as you’re starting to unwind your brain is doing the same,hence the fuzziness.As for the jaw thingy I’m going to take my life in my hands and tell a girl to use it as little as possible.Have you been on the phone a lot telling peeps about your mum?
Hope you are both alright,
Wb xx
Hi, glad to hear your mum is recovering now.
If you have an MS nurse, why not ring her and tell her what`s happening? You are probably run off your feet and worrying like crazy. No wonder you feel muddled. Look after yourself as well as your mum, yeh?
luv Pollx