I have had MS since 2000 I feel that I am holding my husband and family back as we desperately want to start anew, and emmigrate to Australia. I’ve been told that I have no chance of any country accepting me due to my MS. I have been on the inhibitor BetaInterFeron since 2006. Where can we go for advice and help, most emmigration agencies just want fees upfront before they start, and I don’t want to throw money around. Advice please…
Get it out of your head your holding your family back. A mum is the heart of a family; they want you more than anything.
Give the Equal Rights Commission a ring on 0845 604 6610; if they do not know they will tell you where to ask. You could also try your local CAB.
Try posting for advice from Brog54 (Belinda). She is a member on this forum, but doesn`t post so often. maybe she will see your post and can give you some adive. She is an aussie, with political interests.
luv Pollx
Me again. Out of curiosity I just googled can I emigrate to Australia if I have MS?
A reply came up saying there are no hard and fast rules on this. Give it a google yourself and see how it goes, eh?
luv Pollx
I am from the UK but living in Australia at the moment.
I was diagnosed with MS after I got here.
I would advise you to speak to a migration agent - I spoke to a guy called George Lombard, based in Sydney - he knew what he was talking about and has access to the actual guidelines that the immigration people use when assessing applications.
His website is - http://www.austimmigration.com.au/site/ - I think it cost about $100 (AUD) for a discussion with him (could be by e-mail)
Best of luck!
I looked into emigrating to Australia some years back and it looked like an impossibility because the rule was that they wouldn’t accept anyone who would cost their Health system more than the average Australian. Things might have changed though. Have you considered Europe? They can’t say no! Spain, Italy and Denmark are good re meds from what I’ve read in here. Don’t know about the rest though. Canada might be an option? They have a high incidence of MS so care should be good. Don’t know about the rules though. If nothing pans out, please try not to blame yourself. It’s not your fault you’ve got MS! If it was one of your kids would you be angry at them? Good luck. Karen x
Australia has some very harsh migration laws which do discriminate against any one with a chronic illness or disability. Basically the law as it stands states that any one with a health condition which coud represent a ‘significant cost to Austarlia’ is unable to get a visa, even if the person is able to pay for those health care costs themselves. This is incredibly discriminatory and recently made headline news when a GP received deprtation orders because his son had a disability. Because of the outcry this caused the legislation is now subject to an inquiry and hopefuly we will see more equitable laws very soon.
But at present the law would preclude you from entering Australia
If you can’t get a visa at present I wouldn’t despair as hopefuly the laws will ease up soon. And if you end up being unable to travel to Australia at all don’t blame yourself. It is not your fault you have MS and you are not holding your family back. MS removes a lot of our choices from our lives but we are NOT to blame for this.
Hope you manage to get here though; Australia is a great place to live,
Hello everyone,
I am looking to hopefully move to Australia to work and live but was diagnosed when I was 18, since then I have had no physical effects and have not been prescribed any medication or symptoms resulting in any time off work.
Looking at previous posts on this site which are quite old, I wonder of anyone else has went through the process or know of anyone who has?
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Hi, I live in the UK am 51 and am taking Tecfidera as a DMT. Does anyone know what would happen in relation to continuing to receive the drug if I was to emigrate to Canada and whether having MS is likely to be a barrier to entry there? Thanks, I.